I've just picked a second hand one of these up and all is fine apart
from one thing. I've just printed a demo page and there is a smudge
running the length of the paper. It doesn't seem to be affecting the
black text but the sub-headings printed in red are all smudged in one
particular place and the blue bar along the bottom of the page is also
smudged in the same place.
It looks as if something is being dragged through the toner after it's
been transfered to the paper but before it's been fused.
I don't have a lot of experience with laser printers so i'm not really
sure where to start looking.
from one thing. I've just printed a demo page and there is a smudge
running the length of the paper. It doesn't seem to be affecting the
black text but the sub-headings printed in red are all smudged in one
particular place and the blue bar along the bottom of the page is also
smudged in the same place.
It looks as if something is being dragged through the toner after it's
been transfered to the paper but before it's been fused.
I don't have a lot of experience with laser printers so i'm not really
sure where to start looking.