Kodak all-in-one printers


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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I wondered whether anyone here had encountered Kodak's all-in-one printers yet? I am not really in the market for a new printer just yet, but saw these being mentioned in a newsletter, and it looks as if their running costs might be quite a bit less than some of their competitors.

For example, a 5-ink colour cartridge costing £9.99. That is a heck of a lot less than my HP cartridges, but on the other hand, my trusty HP all in one, produces some really great photo prints.

The printers are a tad pricey compared to some others (starting at £69.99 and going up to £249.99) but if running costs are lower, I guess they might be worth considering(?) ......subject to whether their prints are good quality and long-lasting, of course.

They look interesting, must admit.

I don't know anything about Kodak's printers but I can vouch for their cameras. I know several people with Kodak compacts and I've been very impressed with the results from them, much to my surprise.

I don't generally favour 'All-in-ones' I would prefer to have a seperate scanner and printer, mostly because the scanner quality in the combined unit is not ever as good as what I'd like.

Seperate units also means if one part fails you don't lose the use of both.

'All-in-one' usually means just scanner and printer combined but in some instances a fax/phone is included as well.

In that case if you have a small office and are low on space it may be worth considering.

But I do prefer a scanner with several facilities that can scan at a high resolution.

And of course a seperate scanner can be used as a photocopier as well.
I resisted getting an all-in-one for quite some time, for just the same reasons as you have mentioned Flopps, but when I saw the HP model I'm currently using a couple of years ago, it appealed immediately. Touch-wood, it has been very reliable so far.

Scans and copies are quick and easy and the end-results are impressive, so as I said, I won't be in the market to change it yet. It saves quite a bit of space, which we lack here.

Inks are costly though - I know I could use compatibles, but I've not been too impressed by the print quality (maybe that was because I didn't make a good choice.) Using HPs Vivera inks, photo prints are excellent - like lab quality ones, and long-lasting too, so that's why I stick to buying their own brand.

It will be interesting to see whether the Kodaks will gain in popularity. I have a feeling they might be worth a look when the time comes. (But having said that... the HPs are pretty indestructable machines! Our little old inkjet, all of 8 years old, just won't die!! :lol: )
In the US, we have Staples stores. There I could buy the Kodak printer (or any product). Back to the printer, I can try it. If I don't like it, I need to return it within 14 days; and will get my monies back. No questions asked.

Do you have a store there in Wales that has the same setup?

Don't do much web shopping for something big and expensive like that, but if you don't have a brick and motar like Staples, I'd check it out.

Hi Cheyenne, yes we have Staples Stores here too and I believe they are pretty good about exchanging items if there is a problem. :nod:
I have no problem with them. As a matter of fact, when looking for a Bluetooth that works for me, the employee told me he had trouble with finding a Bluetooth that worked for him. So, he kept buying, then returning before the 14 days was up until he found the one he liked. I think he said it took him about 3 tries.
Taffycat said:
I resisted getting an all-in-one for quite some time,

:lol: )

I didnt think anyone wore all in ones anymore

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We have an all in one. Maybe use the fax line about once every three months. BUT, it's there when we need it. I just hook up the phone line to it when I want to send and/or receive.
captain zed said:
I didnt think anyone wore all in ones anymore


Red wooly ones with a trap-door in the back!! ;) :lol:

Sheyenne said:
We have an all in one. Maybe use the fax line about once every three months. BUT, it's there when we need it. I just hook up the phone line to it when I want to send and/or receive.

Our's does not have the fax feature - we usually opt for using e-mail rather than faxing - so it has quite a small footprint, suitable for our very limited space. :nod:
Taffycat said:
I wondered whether anyone here had encountered Kodak's all-in-one printers yet? I am not really in the market for a new printer just yet, but saw these being mentioned in a newsletter, and it looks as if their running costs might be quite a bit less than some of their competitors.

For example, a 5-ink colour cartridge costing £9.99. That is a heck of a lot less than my HP cartridges, but on the other hand, my trusty HP all in one, produces some really great photo prints.

The printers are a tad pricey compared to some others (starting at £69.99 and going up to £249.99) but if running costs are lower, I guess they might be worth considering(?) ......subject to whether their prints are good quality and long-lasting, of course.


Hello Taffycat.

The ink colour cartridge comes in at a very good price.I`ve notice that it is an all in one cartridge,am I right,so what happens when one of the colours runs out.Does the machine stops running until a new cartridge is loaded. I presume the "empty" cartridge is thrown away.That can become expensive no?
I`ve notice that it is an all in one cartridge,am I right

Yup, Historian, didn't catch that. It could certainly be a factor as to why the cartridge is so cheap. Needs to be replaced more often..

Also, Taffycat, don't know if you are aware of this - I print most of my stuff off the internet in black keeping the color for photos or a webpage I really want to download in color.

I hope you call Staples and ask about their STORE guarantee on printers. Could be different in your country. Again, in USA, it's bring back within 14 days and get your money completely refunded - no questions asked.
Hey Sheyene,Is Kodak all in one printer available now?And hows it quality compare to others?Can i get it from any online shop?
mathewdavid said:
Hey Sheyene,Is Kodak all in one printer available now?And hows it quality compare to others?Can i get it from any online shop?

Hi Mathewdavid, yes, they are available now - you will find a link in the first post of the thread, but you can also buy them from other places, such as Amazon.UK, etc. You could also try Google to see whether any stores have them in your local area.:)
Don't know. But, do what TaffyCat suggested. Personally, I'd buy mine at a "brick and mortar" store. Since the product is still new, I'd like to try it AND be able to return it without needing to deal with the post office and needing to pack it back up.