Known To Be Free items..

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eric
  • Start date Start date


There is an issue with blocking these items. By default,
they just let them through, and you can turn on notices,
but if you use the advanced tools to say bloack a StartpUp
application that is "known to be free" it won't actualy
block the item. The advanced tools sections shows it to be
blocked, but it still gets through.

It's nice that, by defaul;t, it lets known stuff through,
but I want the option to decide for myself. If I override
it and tell it to block a "known to be free" item, it
should honor my wishes.

Settings-->Real-time protection-->Startup options and
check the "Enable the Microsoft AntiSpyware security
engines on startup
I hear you, and Microsoft reads these groups and uses the feedback here.

I don't think this will happen, though.

Microsoft Antispyware is not intended as a general purpose uninstaller or
blocker of apps the user chooses to block. It has a specific set of
criteria for listing and blocking or removal:

I think it is better to maintain the focus, and not broaden it to include a
category of items that the user just doesn't like.