I read through a bunch of your TS issues and I have to ask...
Why did you deploy 2003 and XP O/S's so soon after their release?
I only as this becuase you sound like a person with the same kind of
issues I have all the time, and if my boss had his druthers, we would
already be on those same platforms as well, but I am doing my best to hold
back to 2000 until more time passes.
I have Office 97 running on my terminal server with no issues, and to the
extent that my users use those programs (except outlook), it works fine. I
had some initial problems with Office 2000 on TS, so I bagged it rather
than troubleshoot and went back to 97.
Even though these users use XP Office locally, all their files still work
fine in 97 (again, except Outlook and Publisher)
OK, well, i have rambled. Nice to know I have brethren!
Mark B.