Basically, you shouldn't have any problems.
Things to watch out for :
1. In Windows 2003, you have to specifically enable ASP.NET 1.1.
2. You must keep all your 1.1 apps in separate application pools than 2.0 apps.
If you have an especially sensitive 1.1 app, setup an application pool exclusively
for that app. Otherwise, you can lump all 1.1 apps in the same application pool.
3. While Windows 2000's ASP.NET account is the ASPNET account,
in Windows 2003 Server the ASPNET account is "NT Authority\Network Service".
If you are not impersonating, that's the account which
needs ACL permissions to all directories.
See this MSDN page for specific info regarding the critical directories:
....and remember that the "NT Authority\Network Service" account
must have ACL permissions to mthe whole wwwroot directory structure,
or to any custom directory which you may have configured.
4. Make sure you install the .Net Framework Service Pack 1:
Something good you don't have to worry about :
Windows 2003 comes out-of-the-box with the .Net Framework 1.1 pre-installed.
All you need to do is apply the .Net Framework SP1 and Windows Server SP2.
Juan T. Llibre, MVP faq :
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