Cousin Stanley
Greetings & Happy New Year ....
Anyone interested in Knoppix as a Rescue CD
or as an introduction to Linux might find
the following link of interest ....
A 128 page book under the GNU free doc license
about Knoppix usage ....
Available in ....
o PDF [ 3.8 MB ]
o OOo [ 7.5 MB ] file formats ....
Haven't checked it yet myself,
but will later tonight ....
Anyone interested in Knoppix as a Rescue CD
or as an introduction to Linux might find
the following link of interest ....
A 128 page book under the GNU free doc license
about Knoppix usage ....
Available in ....
o PDF [ 3.8 MB ]
o OOo [ 7.5 MB ] file formats ....
Haven't checked it yet myself,
but will later tonight ....