Kms to Miles conversion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris Watson
  • Start date Start date

Just multiply the number of Kms by 0.6214. E.g.,


Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
Or with the Analysis Toolpak installed and your data in A1:-

=CONVERT(A1, "mi", "km")

Other conversions (Straight out of Function Help):-


Number is the value in from_units to convert.

From_unit is the units for number.

To_unit is the units for the result. CONVERT accepts the following text
values (in quotation marks) for from_unit and to_unit.

Weight and mass From_unit or to_unit
Gram "g"
Slug "sg"
Pound mass (avoirdupois) "lbm"
U (atomic mass unit) "u"
Ounce mass (avoirdupois) "ozm"

Distance From_unit or to_unit
Meter "m"
Statute mile "mi"
Nautical mile "Nmi"
Inch "in"
Foot "ft"
Yard "yd"
Angstrom "ang"
Pica (1/72 in.) "Pica"

Time From_unit or to_unit
Year "yr"
Day "day"
Hour "hr"
Minute "mn"
Second "sec"

Pressure From_unit or to_unit
Pascal "Pa"
Atmosphere "atm"
mm of Mercury "mmHg"

Force From_unit or to_unit
Newton "N"
Dyne "dyn"
Pound force "lbf"

Energy From_unit or to_unit
Joule "J"
Erg "e"
Thermodynamic calorie "c"
IT calorie "cal"
Electron volt "eV"
Horsepower-hour "HPh"
Watt-hour "Wh"
Foot-pound "flb"

Power From_unit or to_unit
Horsepower "HP"
Watt "W"

Magnetism From_unit or to_unit
Tesla "T"
Gauss "ga"

Temperature From_unit or to_unit
Degree Celsius "C"
Degree Fahrenheit "F"
Degree Kelvin "K"

Liquid measure From_unit or to_unit
Teaspoon "tsp"
Tablespoon "tbs"
Fluid ounce "oz"
Cup "cup"
U.S. pint "pt"
U.K. pint "uk_pt"
Quart "qt"
Gallon "gal"
Liter "l"

The following abbreviated unit prefixes can be prepended to any metric from_unit
or to_unit.

Prefix Multiplier Abbreviation
exa 1E+18 "E"
peta 1E+15 "P"
tera 1E+12 "T"
giga 1E+09 "G"
mega 1E+06 "M"
kilo 1E+03 "k"
hecto 1E+02 "h"
dekao 1E+01 "e"
deci 1E-01 "d"
centi 1E-02 "c"
milli 1E-03 "m"
micro 1E-06 "u"
nano 1E-09 "n"
pico 1E-12 "p"
femto 1E-15 "f"
atto 1E-18 "a"
Hi Chris!

Divide km by 1.609344 to get miles

If you look at the CONVERT function you'll be able to get most
conversion factors commonly required. Here, it's well worth studying
the help carefully especially relating to metric prefixes. CONVERT is
in the Analysis TooPak Addin.

Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
Excel and Word Function Lists (Classifications, Syntax and Arguments)
available free to good homes.

Excel has a builtin function




Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)