Windows Vista KIS Failed PC not responding problem


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Woe and thrice times woe....

Last night in the middle of updating Kaspersky6 on Vista PC, the green bar which shows the progress of the update, seemed to stick in the middle for longer than usual. Then Windows threw up an error message saying that "Kaspersky internet security has encountered a problem so Windows has closed it" :eek:

Kaspersky then greyed out - I disconnected immediately, of course, but have a horrible feeling that "something" has got in during that brief period when security failed - I know that it only takes seconds to become infected, and the reason why I think I've been unlucky, is because everything just slowed down to a halt, with immediate effect.

I tried re-starting Kaspersky - but it wouldn't respond at all. I then tried to bring up Event Viewer, but found that when I clicked on anything at all, it would take literally minutes to respond.

Tried re-starting and after the screen had blanked, an error message came up "Logon Process has failed to create the Security Options Dialogue. Failure Security Options."

Everything seemed to be stuck once again and I "sinned" by shutting things down via the power button - giving it a few minutes, then switched on again. I was then presented with a screen in the BIOS asking which mode I wanted to start in - safe, normal, etc. As normal was highlighted, I plumped for that (this was happening after 2:15 am so I know that my decisions were not great :rolleyes: )

Kaspersky didn't load - I tried to load it from "Programmes" but it wouldn't and threw up a message telling me to contact the programmes's technicians. Everything else on the PC was once again taking several minutes to respond to a click - wading through treacle. So closed down again (via button again ... ouch!) and decided to consult here before going any further.

I have a feeling that things are kna****ed with a 'nastie' big time...? And of course I cannot scan for it because KIS will not work. Can anyone offer advice regarding my options please?

Thank you for reading :)
I had the same "problem" last night too ... only I was asleep ... this morning I turned on the monitor to be confronted with what looked like a dead PC. :wall:

It took an hour to sort itself out. Turn on the PC and do some housework or go shopping. :D

Looks like we got a bad update from Kaspersky. I am havin a look over at K's forums.

Oh thank you Mucks :thumb: (just hope I haven't mucked things up too much by my own turning on/off meddling :) Will switch on again now.
Well, I admit I also hit the reset button, but only the once ... I then sat here talking to God. :D

Oh, and we are not alone ... as the rest of the World (USA) wakes up, we may find many more people upset.

:D It is such a comfort to discover that one is not alone :thumb:

I have just taken a look on that Forum too (duh! forgot about looking there :rolleyes: ) A lot of unhappy bunnies there.

When I fired-up the PC a while ago KIS threw up a message but couldn't read it because Microsoft killed it with a message of it's own "Kaspersky Anti-Virus stopped working and was closed. A problem caused the application to stop working correctly. Windows will notify you if a solution is available.)

Out of interest, what did you think to the idea of using system restore? Just wondering whether that would tide things over just until the KIS bods can rectify whatever has caused the update-glitch. Just checked on my PC and there is a restore point for two days ago, so KIS wouldn't be too out of date... do you think?

Or is that a bad idea? With KIS sitting there all grey and dead, everything has speeded up again, so my earlier worry about 'nasties' seems to be unfounded - thank goodness :D

PS - I just ran CCleaner and after getting rid of the usual rubbish I then let it scan for "issues" in the Registry - however, please don't faint because I wasn't planning to delete anything rashly, I was really just being nosy to see what would turn up. At the bottom, there is an item: "Installer Reference Issue - C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP7\Data" would there be any point in removing just that one, do you think...? :rolleyes:
I let CC clean anything it finds, and just did so and yes I saw that entry too ... CC does make a backup. ;)

I don't know why your KIS is still greyed out ... have you rebooted?

I have never used Restore, never needed to ... in this instance, I would still not use it. I'm not sure if you would still get the same 'problem' when KIS tries another update.

We seem to be the only ones having this problem ... Vista & Kis.

What ver of KIS are you using, 6 or 7 ?

At the moment I'm rebooting & rebooting after following instructions from "Problem Reports & Solutions" one of which was to install one of those MS standalone updates that I was not going to bother with ... KB938194 :lol:

I have to eat humble pie on that one ... may as well go get the other while I'm at it. :rolleyes:

I only have/had 128 reported problem. :D

muckshifter said:
I let CC clean anything it finds, and just did so and yes I saw that entry too ... CC does make a backup. ;)

Will let it clear the debris here too :thumb:

I don't know why your KIS is still greyed out ... have you rebooted?{/QUOTE]

Yes, but it is still "unwell" and grey

I have never used Restore, never needed to ... in this instance, I would still not use it. I'm not sure if you would still get the same 'problem' when KIS tries another update.

I have previously used it successfully, but only when a programme that I'd installed went awry. I probably would have tried it last night, but was afraid that an infection of some kind might have got in when Windows decided to close KIS down. I think it is Windows which is preventing it from loading again now (?)

We seem to be the only ones having this problem ... Vista & Kis.

Hmmm :rolleyes: ..... unless others are just on-looking to see whether a solution comes up :p

{QUOTE}What ver of KIS are you using, 6 or 7 ?{/QUOTE]

I'm still using Version 6 - it wouldn't let me upgrade to 7, so had to give up on it

At the moment I'm rebooting & rebooting after following instructions from "Problem Reports & Solutions" one of which was to install one of those MS standalone updates that I was not going to bother with ... KB938194

I have to eat humble pie on that one ... may as well go get the other while I'm at it. :rolleyes:

I only have/had 128 reported problem. :D :thumb:

Just checked it out - for KIS it lists this:

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: avp.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestanp: 45f1906d
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6000.16386
Fault Module Timestamp: 4549bdc9
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000620e3
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: eb9a
Additional Information 2: c1cbe5841061007e41ea1f3a3865b97f
Additional Information 3: 6c12
Additional Information 4: 0d5078c13eda55f6f52728600ebfa157

Files that help describe the problem


Below the Kaspersky Problem entries (of which there are 3 all relating to the above, there is a Windows Defender Command Line Utility entry.

Windows Defender Command ... MpTelemetry

Problem Event Name MPTelemetry
Problem Signature 01 8024402c
02 EndSearch
03 Search
04 1.1.1505.0
05 MpSigDwn.dll
06 1.1.1505.0
07 Windows Defender
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID 2057

Phew! Does that lot mean anything significant? :lol:

Otherwise, it's okay - I'm up to date with Windows updates.

When I ran the curser over KIS, it said "Service Part of the Program was Unloaded" .... then I had a brainwave and thought of the Repair feature - so just did that.

It seemed to do the repair and re-started, but then KIS didn't load at all. When I loaded it manually it looked fine for about 5 seconds, but then two messages flashed up on screen - but only for about a millisecond - so couldn't read them... then that darned Windows message reappeared, to say that "KIS had stopped working and Windows had closed it"
What I meant by my comment ... "We seem to be the only ones having this problem ... Vista & Kis" ... is nearly everyone with KIS & Vista are having a problem, not just you & me. ;)

So, lets fix KIS first ... :p

Go get the new KIS 7 from HERE ... download and run it, you should not need to input your serial key ... if that all fails, uninstall KIS6 and install 7 then input your serial key. It should work. :nod:

As for the other stuff ...

Go to the Start button, type in Problem Reports and Solutions ... you will probably find it at the top of the list before you finish typing ... tell me what you see there, better still, post me a snippet. :thumb:



  • problem report.webp
    problem report.webp
    48.2 KB · Views: 377
Taffycat said:

When I ran the curser over KIS, it said "Service Part of the Program was Unloaded" .... then I had a brainwave and thought of the Repair feature - so just did that.

It seemed to do the repair and re-started, but then KIS didn't load at all. When I loaded it manually it looked fine for about 5 seconds, but then two messages flashed up on screen - but only for about a millisecond - so couldn't read them... then that darned Windows message reappeared, to say that "KIS had stopped working and Windows had closed it"
... you beat me.

Rule of thumb with "problem" programs ... uninstall - reinstall. ;)

In this case, I would go for KIS 7

I don't know quite how.... but after my last post - regarding the "repair" I continued to go around in circles with it ... rebooting, not working, error message, rebooting again............ I'm sure you get the picture ;) Anyway, on the third or fourth occasion, it came to life. :eek:

No Window error message, and when I opened KIS to take a look, everything was running apparently normally. Even the updates are shown as being up to date :confused: I'm baffled.

Right at this moment, I am running a full scan and trusting soul that I am, I'll not connect to the internet just yet, until I have satisfied myself that it is not going to turn up it's toes again :nod:

I might well have another try at upgrading, at the minute I'm just relieved to see this one up and running again. Thank you for all your help Mucks - is yours fully back to normal again now?

ah, now then ... you is on dial-up ... time is an invention of Man (& woman) :p

I said it would take a long time ... you should have gone shopping. :lol:

Mine ran without a hitch on the first "proper" reboot. Well, maybe the second reboot. :D

I do hope you get 7 up-n-runnin ... it is quicker & prettier. :thumb:
Woops! Touch of the cross-postings went on earlier methinks - I completely missed the one in which you asked me to post an example of my Problem Reports and Solutions, so just for the record - and now that I'm connecting via Vista again... here is the thumbnail :D


  • Probs & Reports.webp
    Probs & Reports.webp
    44 KB · Views: 207
LoL ... :wave:

Well, I dunno if you have seen PR&S (Problem Reports and Solutions) before now, but as you can see, you need to update a few things ... :p

One or two may not work, or not be actually available via PR&S ... you may have to get the Logitec driver from Logitec, as I had to ... ver 4 it is now and a bloody 50mb-ish download ... and I only have a mouse. :rolleyes:

Same with the Quick cam ... I don't think there are any Vista drivers ... thanks, Logitec. :rolleyes:

A simple solution to Adobe Acrobat Reader is ... uninstall it, replace it with Foxit. :thumb: I had to update Adobe Flash, again, now I do seem to have ver 9.


Onwards & upwords we go ...
Ah-ha found out! Gadzooks, I am undone! :p Yes I have looked at PR&S several times during my explorations into the depths of Vista, lol, but I chose to ignore the Logitech cam - due to the lack of drivers - as you correctly point out.

It's telling porkies about Set Point though, because I downloaded all 49 point-something Mb of it back in May... about 6 hrs worth if memory serves.... I am fond of my mice :lol:

MSN - well I have the current version already and when I click on the entry, it merely tells me that "There is no solution for this problem at this time." So ignored that too...

I am more than interested in your suggestion regarding Foxit. Will look into that one:thumb: thank you. The Adobe download was - if memory serves - about 30 Mb or something huge... which again, would take hours to download.

Media player was complaining about the Nero burning plug-in - however, that (Nero) was only a blooming trial copy (as I might have mentioned before) and as the "trial" ran out within just two weeks of getting the PC, it's disabled itself anyway - haven't got around to replacing it with anything yet. Will get the Media Player updates though:thumb:

By the way Mucks - regarding KIS7 ... could you refresh my addled memory please...? Can it be installed "over" the existing KIS6, or does version 6 need to be uninstalled first? (I seem to recall that it was the latter, but mind is full of jolly robins as usual.)
It is another rather l-o-n-g download. Might go and get something to eat whilst it is plodding along at a breakneck speed of 3.2 KB/sec :rolleyes: :D
In it nice to know how to work your OS. :D


As for KIS ... I just installed 7 as is ... never even shutdown 6 ... was pleasantly pleased to see it not only shut down 6, but install with no hitches.

Now, your mileage may vary but I would stop 6 running first, then install 7.

:nod: Yes, I love exploring - and particularly like the "Search" facility - now that is what I consider to be really handy :thumb:

:thumb: Okay Mucks, will give it a go - it has just finished downloading, so will install it a bit later on. Thank you again for all your help - much appreciated as always :D
Hellooo - believe it or not, but when I fired-up the PC this morning, KIS6 didn't load, then when it did, everything locked-up again. However, after a bit of fiddling about, some rather naughty utterances and a couple of re-starts, I was able to get on with installing the new KIS7.

It worked! I did just as you advised, and exited KIS6, then just installed version 7 over-the-top. It then updated and voilá! :D I have been exploring it a bit - very comprehensive isn't it? And retrieving mail that it wanted to regard as spam (reminded me of trying to wrestle it from the jaws of a terrier :p )

Just thought I'd mention how I got on to bring things up to date :thumb:

Thanks again Mucks :D