Kiosk(sp?) Data entry for users

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brw
  • Start date Start date


We are creating a kiosk(sp?) for a marketing booth where
passer-by's can click through the slides using action

We would like to create a slide where users can enter
their contact information in form fields and press a
button and that data will be saved to a file (excel?
word? )

How would I do this? Where exactly would I go in help to
explain how to do this? I'm sure I'm just getting lost in
terminology and not looking in the right area?
Some simple code like this could be linked to a button. This will ask
for a name, address, and city/state/zip and then append it to a file
named fileAddresses.txt (the file must already exist in the same location
as the PowerPoint file). I'm sure you can do something more elegant with
forms, but this will do the basics.

Sub AddName() 'writes to an existing file named addressFile.txt
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim fs, f
Dim yourName, yourAddress, cityStateZip As String

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile("addressFile.txt", _
ForAppending, TristateFalse)
yourName = InputBox("Type your name")
yourAddress = InputBox("Type your street address")
cityStateZip = InputBox("Type your city, state, and zip code")
f.write yourName & Chr$(13) & _
yourAddress & Chr$(13) & _
cityStateZip & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13)
End Sub

David M. Marcovitz, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_
If you know a little VB you could write a PowerPoint addin to do this. Add
a User Form with the fields you want and show it when a button is pushed.
The form code would collect the information and write to a file.
The scripting reply that David gave is probably simpler. The VBA with a
user form is a pretty standard method of collecting input. I don't know of
any other way.
Brw said:
We are creating a kiosk(sp?) for a marketing booth where
passer-by's can click through the slides using action

We would like to create a slide where users can enter
their contact information in form fields and press a
button and that data will be saved to a file (excel?
word? )

How would I do this? Where exactly would I go in help to
explain how to do this? I'm sure I'm just getting lost in
terminology and not looking in the right area?
I just happen to be working on the same thing. I found some code at that has at least given me a starting point and I've
learned a bit in the process of playing with the code.