I purchase two Kingston KVR400X64C3A/512 memory sticks for my P5P800 MB
based on the Kingston and ASUS web sites. Each stick works just fine
individually or together in the first two slots. As soon as I install them
in slot 1 of bank A and slot 1 of bank B (Dual Channel Mode) the system
becomes unstable. WinXP will run for various lengths of time and then hang.
ZipZoomFly has a rather stiff restocking fee of 15% and the Kingston CSR
indicated the net increase in speed by going dual channel is very minor.
Does anybody out there know what is the actual difference? I would like to
believe the Kingston CSR and just keep what I got but...I'm losing the
based on the Kingston and ASUS web sites. Each stick works just fine
individually or together in the first two slots. As soon as I install them
in slot 1 of bank A and slot 1 of bank B (Dual Channel Mode) the system
becomes unstable. WinXP will run for various lengths of time and then hang.
ZipZoomFly has a rather stiff restocking fee of 15% and the Kingston CSR
indicated the net increase in speed by going dual channel is very minor.
Does anybody out there know what is the actual difference? I would like to
believe the Kingston CSR and just keep what I got but...I'm losing the