kinect xbox360


£130.00 for the module with an introductory game.

£165.00 with the introductory game and one full price kinect game.

And you need an Xbox 360.

I think the Wii costs around that on it's own and it's self-contained.

I tried my niece's Wii and didn't like it one little bit.

So, none of these motion modules pour moi :)
I think the Wii is a lil'bit limited compared to this

Yes same ish concept but the Kinect is a lot more advanced imo

But i've heard rumour's that Nintendo have something in a dark room somewhere ;)
floppybootstomp said:
Aye, they've kidnapped Mucks.

I heard he had been beamed into Perpetuum as a live test subject and they can not get him back. Looks like he will have to fight his way out.