I am working on a small which involves a touchscreen and I need to create a
on-screen keyboard. I need some assistance with a few questions
1. For the the buttons, do I user their text as the value, that is, when the
user presses e.g "A" do I use the button text as the value to work with or
2. While the user is pressing the buttons how should I accumulate the values
to be displayed on the text box e.g the user presses "A" and then "B" do i use
txtScreen.Text = Abutton.Text
txtScreen.Text = textScreen.Text & Bbutton.Text
3. How should I handle the backspace?
4. When the user presses the "ENTER" button I need to pass the value from
txtScreen to a textbox in another application. Where can I find information
on passing values to another running application?
5. In the other application the user presses "F10" to print an invoice, how
can I detect when that print is send so that my keyboard application can
return as the active screen? I was thinking of listening for the "F10"
keypress, however, there are times whe the data sent to the invoicing
application is incorrect so when the user clicks the "F10" button he can also
get a message "Incorrect account ...".
Your help is appreciated.
I am working on a small which involves a touchscreen and I need to create a
on-screen keyboard. I need some assistance with a few questions
1. For the the buttons, do I user their text as the value, that is, when the
user presses e.g "A" do I use the button text as the value to work with or
2. While the user is pressing the buttons how should I accumulate the values
to be displayed on the text box e.g the user presses "A" and then "B" do i use
txtScreen.Text = Abutton.Text
txtScreen.Text = textScreen.Text & Bbutton.Text
3. How should I handle the backspace?
4. When the user presses the "ENTER" button I need to pass the value from
txtScreen to a textbox in another application. Where can I find information
on passing values to another running application?
5. In the other application the user presses "F10" to print an invoice, how
can I detect when that print is send so that my keyboard application can
return as the active screen? I was thinking of listening for the "F10"
keypress, however, there are times whe the data sent to the invoicing
application is incorrect so when the user clicks the "F10" button he can also
get a message "Incorrect account ...".
Your help is appreciated.