Kindle Death.... :(


Jan 31, 2005
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So the other half went to continue reading her book on her nice new Kindle i got her for xmas, Looks like its died, and it spends all its time in the Kindle case too....

The screen is kaput....


Time to contact Amazon.. Knew i shouldn't have thrown out the box...
That's a bummer :(

Still, it happens.

I always keep all boxes for at least a year and usually until I get rid of/sell/throwaway/give away the product in question.

But no box shouldn't matter with Amazon, they is good on stuff like that.
Yeah i always keep the boxes, just this time i decided to bin it along with the box for the case too....

Have sent them an email via Kindle troubleshooting pages as requested. I'm confident of hte outcome. Amazon are very good at returns/refunds and all that.

She's more upset at the fact that she's half way though a good book! Thank good for the Kindle app! It even knows what page she was on. ;)
I too give a big thumbs up to Amazon, they replaced my Corsair 6GB Dominator GT Memory so fast. they even got back to me after I let them know that I sent the previously opened set (which I didn't open) back to them.

They wanted to let me know that they have already noted on my account that I won't be charged for the first set even though they still havn't received it yet (sent recorded).

As for OCUK though, well I sent them another email to say how disguted I am with them. Have informed them that I'll be closing my account and will never be using them again after they cost me £20 in p+p costs. (nearly £11 for having the Asus Sabertooth mobo sent to me in a sheet of pathetic plastic that couldn't protect you from the wind let alone an impact, and about £9 sending it back in a well protected box with bubble wrap)

At least Amazon and Overclock reimbures you p+p up to so much, i believe Overclock go up to £10 ?

I don't see any reason why Amazon will give you any problems getting that replaced V_R.

I'm very careful these days, keep all reciepts/invoices and the boxes aswell unless the item is very cheap.
I`m with you CBS,I keep all boxes and receipts for some time----just in case.
Sorted, getting replacement sent out. Just need to return the old one, seems i keep all cables etc. just send the kindle itself. They didn't care that i had no box so thats good. :)
Dead one sending back, DHL collection arranged. Collecting it from my work. Amazon have already dispatched the new one.

They didn't want the USB cables etc, just the Kindle itself.

Should have the new one in a day or two max, maybe even today if i'm lucky! :D
The new Kindle arrived, has now been registered on my network, and to her Amazon account, and content restored. :)

She's not back yet, but will be a nice surprise for her. :D
My Dad's kindle died, the on/off button stopped working.
John Lweis changed it & new one is fine, had a few problems getting it on line.
But now all ok.
Great for a Amazon customer, you wanna try selling via Fullfilment ...nightmare.. refund customer for any reason then dont ask for it to be returned to seller just tell you your payment has been reversed..Trust me i know :(