I too give a big thumbs up to Amazon, they replaced my Corsair 6GB Dominator GT Memory so fast. they even got back to me after I let them know that I sent the previously opened set (which I didn't open) back to them.
They wanted to let me know that they have already noted on my account that I won't be charged for the first set even though they still havn't received it yet (sent recorded).
As for OCUK though, well I sent them another email to say how disguted I am with them. Have informed them that I'll be closing my account and will never be using them again after they cost me £20 in p+p costs. (nearly £11 for having the Asus Sabertooth mobo sent to me in a sheet of pathetic plastic that couldn't protect you from the wind let alone an impact, and about £9 sending it back in a well protected box with bubble wrap)
At least Amazon and Overclock reimbures you p+p up to so much, i believe Overclock go up to £10 ?
I don't see any reason why Amazon will give you any problems getting that replaced V_R.
I'm very careful these days, keep all reciepts/invoices and the boxes aswell unless the item is very cheap.