My Windows 2000 is in Portuguese language because I am from Brazil, s
maybe some referenced Windows terms won't have the exact same name o
your Windows, so I apologize in advance
Hello everyone,
We have developed an Access System that dynamically configures an ODB
for the user. That way when the user starts the application we don'
have to configure the ODBC properities all the time.
We use the function RegisterDatabase from DBEngine with thes
DBEngine.RegisterDatabase "SQLSERVERNAME", "SQL Server", True
The last attribute is a String with this value:
strAttributes = "Database=Proteus, Description=" & strDescription &
vbCr & "OemToAnsi=No" & _
vbCr & "Server=SBD_01" & _
vbCr & "Network=DBMSSOCN" & _
vbCr & "Trusted_Connection=No"
If you open the ODBC Icon on Control Panel -> Administrative Tools, th
first window is Users Data Source... you can also choose System Dat
Source, File Data Source, etc.
The procedures that I mentioned before creates an ODBC on the USER
Data Source on the ODBC configuration.
The User's Network library configuration will be TCP/IP and not name
pipes, because of the attribute Network=DBMSSOCN on that string, an
we'd like to keep it that way.
Do any of you know how to dynamically create the ODBC configuration o
the SYSTEM Data Source instead of users?
It is most likely a small attribute somewhere on that code, but w
haven't been able to figure it out yet.
Thanks in advance
My Windows 2000 is in Portuguese language because I am from Brazil, s
maybe some referenced Windows terms won't have the exact same name o
your Windows, so I apologize in advance
Hello everyone,
We have developed an Access System that dynamically configures an ODB
for the user. That way when the user starts the application we don'
have to configure the ODBC properities all the time.
We use the function RegisterDatabase from DBEngine with thes
DBEngine.RegisterDatabase "SQLSERVERNAME", "SQL Server", True
The last attribute is a String with this value:
strAttributes = "Database=Proteus, Description=" & strDescription &
vbCr & "OemToAnsi=No" & _
vbCr & "Server=SBD_01" & _
vbCr & "Network=DBMSSOCN" & _
vbCr & "Trusted_Connection=No"
If you open the ODBC Icon on Control Panel -> Administrative Tools, th
first window is Users Data Source... you can also choose System Dat
Source, File Data Source, etc.
The procedures that I mentioned before creates an ODBC on the USER
Data Source on the ODBC configuration.
The User's Network library configuration will be TCP/IP and not name
pipes, because of the attribute Network=DBMSSOCN on that string, an
we'd like to keep it that way.
Do any of you know how to dynamically create the ODBC configuration o
the SYSTEM Data Source instead of users?
It is most likely a small attribute somewhere on that code, but w
haven't been able to figure it out yet.
Thanks in advance