Thanks Very Much Max! I have one more problem that has given me a
thousand grey hairs since you solved my Spacing problem...
The above formula I am using returns The name of the Caller if the dupe
proves true (B21>0), anything above the 0 represent a duplicate.
The Problem is that B6:B35 (Representing Dupe Counts in the 31 sheets),
creates SUM Values (dupes Counted Minus 930 cells '30 rows X 31 sheets'
being checked) from the dupe formula you presented to me when the cells
are blank.
eg. the 31 sheets X 30 Rows (B6:B35) will show the sum of the blank
cells of (B6:B35 X 31 sheets)... So when I try to use the
=IF(DAY1!B21>0,DAY1!C21,"") Formula, I get false results above zero due
to the blank cells showing the sum values from the Original Dup Formula
that checks each sheet.
For instance if 40 dupes exists, then (930-40 = 890) the 890 appears
in the blank B6:B35 cells. Therefore my formula check for anything
above zero will render those blank cells as dupe counts due to the SUM
values of the dupe formula, "
"... This formula exists in every E6:E35 cell on all 31 sheets.
I don't want to tamper with the Original Dupe finding formula, but I do
need a formula in the "Spacing" Formula you presented
), that will bypass any Zeros "0" ...
Hope I'm not being confusing

but any help here is much
appreciated... Thanks