Hi all
A friend of a friend has 6 kids (whew, not my cup of tea) and is not so
good on computers and the internet ie. the oldest kids are way ahead of
her. She also doesn't have the time for 100% supervision because of the
younger kids (feeding, nappy changing etc).
Can anyone recommend any software that gives a parent fairly non
technical control over what the child can access on the net. The oldest
child is a boy aged 16 so let your minds wander especially with the 14
year old egging him on
. Actually come to think of it, it's probably
too late for them - let's try and save the younger ones!
Thanks in advance
A friend of a friend has 6 kids (whew, not my cup of tea) and is not so
good on computers and the internet ie. the oldest kids are way ahead of
her. She also doesn't have the time for 100% supervision because of the
younger kids (feeding, nappy changing etc).
Can anyone recommend any software that gives a parent fairly non
technical control over what the child can access on the net. The oldest
child is a boy aged 16 so let your minds wander especially with the 14
year old egging him on

too late for them - let's try and save the younger ones!
Thanks in advance