Hi Denis,
AFAIK, there is not a way to change the keyboard shortcuts assigned by charmap.
However, there are various methods you can use to insert characters. Furthermore,
some programs support assigning keyboard shortcuts to particular functions.
Without specifics (such as the exact char that you use frequently and the program
that is accepting this input) I cannot provide specifics, but perhaps the following
will help:
- In Microsoft Word 2000 (and likely other versions and applications), you can
insert an international character by using a dead key sequence. For example, to
insert the Latin Small Letter E, press and hold CTRL, press the apostrophe key once
and release, then type e. For more information regarding Word 2000 support for
international characters, search Word Help for the topic: "Insert an international
character by using a shortcut key."
- In certain applications such as WordPad 2000, Office 2000 RichEdit controls, and
Microsoft Word 2002, you can use the hex-to-Unicode entry method. For example,
select the Exclamation Mark in charmap, view the status bar and note that the
hexadecimal code is U+0021. To enter the Exclamation Mark using the keyboard open an
application that supports this method, type 21, hold down the ALT key, and press x
(note that only a lower case x will work).
For more information on "How can I input any Unicode character if I know its
hexadecimal code?" see section with that title on this web page:
For a Unicode Character Database (UCD), see:
Carrie Garth, Microsoft MVP for Windows 2000
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: "Denis" <db2003 AT skynet DOT be>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 03:24 AM
: Can someone tell me how I can change the shortcut key for
: a character that is not on my keyboard which I need to use
: frequently.
: When I go to the character Map I do not see any option to
: change this.
: Maybe this is disabled 'from above', but I cannot remember
: if this option is available anyway on W2K Professional.
: Thanx
: Denis