Recently a run of Spython detected the E.Check KeyLogger,
and it was the only program to get to it and to remove it.
None of the others, including MSFT's AntiSpyWare found
it... This makes me wonder, HOW MUCH DO THE ANTISPYWARE
FOLKS really focus on those MOST DANGEROUS KEYLOGGERS, and
how they are really going about it?! It would take a high
number of testers and surfers to make sure they are
uptodate, since only 'practice', getting themselves some on
their PCs, would be useful. Then those infected ones could
be compared to the immaculate ones, and the differences be
found. A constant army of fresh PCs would have to run on
constantly changing IP addresses around to the 'bad' sites
to catch all the crap the could, not a nice task, but it
seems very necessary...to really help the customer. Hope
this helps, M
and it was the only program to get to it and to remove it.
None of the others, including MSFT's AntiSpyWare found
it... This makes me wonder, HOW MUCH DO THE ANTISPYWARE
FOLKS really focus on those MOST DANGEROUS KEYLOGGERS, and
how they are really going about it?! It would take a high
number of testers and surfers to make sure they are
uptodate, since only 'practice', getting themselves some on
their PCs, would be useful. Then those infected ones could
be compared to the immaculate ones, and the differences be
found. A constant army of fresh PCs would have to run on
constantly changing IP addresses around to the 'bad' sites
to catch all the crap the could, not a nice task, but it
seems very necessary...to really help the customer. Hope
this helps, M