Brandon Owensby
I'm am currently working with a datagrid. I have noticed that if a cell has
focus and you hit the left or right arrow key the grids KeyDown event
doesn't fire. I also noticed that neither does the KeyDown event on the
textbox. Where is this mystery being that captures the left and right arrow
key. How can I find out if it was the last key stroke pressed. I need to
know if someone just moved left or right so I can keep them from going to
the next or previous line just by hitting left or right. Unfortunatly
watching for the change in the currenctcell doesn't supply enough
information. Any help that can be given is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
focus and you hit the left or right arrow key the grids KeyDown event
doesn't fire. I also noticed that neither does the KeyDown event on the
textbox. Where is this mystery being that captures the left and right arrow
key. How can I find out if it was the last key stroke pressed. I need to
know if someone just moved left or right so I can keep them from going to
the next or previous line just by hitting left or right. Unfortunatly
watching for the change in the currenctcell doesn't supply enough
information. Any help that can be given is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,