I am developing an application using vb.net (visual studio 2002) & crystal report 9 for vs.net running on a win 2000 machine, and i am having problem in displaying my report in a window form with CrystalReportViewer. The following error occurs "cannot find keycodev2.dll, or invalid keycode". I found the solution from an article in the following link "http://support.businessobjects.com/library/kbase/articles/c2011205.asp", but it doesnt help although i created the registry key as it wasnt exist in my registry. Help me pls. Thanks.
Have you created a deployment project? If not, then editing the registry
isn't going to fix the problem. Check out my article here... http://www.knowdotnet.com/articles/crystal.html This should fix it for you.
chin said:
I am developing an application using vb.net (visual studio 2002) & crystal
report 9 for vs.net running on a win 2000 machine, and i am having problem
in displaying my report in a window form with CrystalReportViewer. The
following error occurs "cannot find keycodev2.dll, or invalid keycode". I
found the solution from an article in the following link
but it doesnt help although i created the registry key as it wasnt exist in
my registry. Help me pls. Thanks.