You have a couple of options.
Use this vb script or go to - Click Start/Run/Regedit
HKEY CURRENT USER\Control Panel\Keyboard\InitialKeyboardIndicators
0 = numberlock off
2 = numberlock on
If you want the numlock on at the Welcome Screen you also need to change:
HKEY USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard\InitialKeyboardIndicators (same number values
as above).
Create a Notepad file and copy the following two lines into it.
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}"
Save the file with a VBS extension. Create a shortcut to the VBS file you just saved in
your Start Menu, Programs, Startup folder.]
How to Set the NUM LOCK State at Logon in Windows XP;en-us;314879
Here is a download that will fix this for you:
[Switching Num Lock On
The Num Lock status on startup can be set in the systems BIOS.
Consult your system or motherboard manual for details about this.
Windows XP will however switch off the Num Lock key when it boots. In some cases it's
enough to make sure that the Num Lock key is enabled when you shut down; Windows will
remember the status of Num Lock, and enable it on the next boot. In other cases this may
not work, and Windows will always default to switching Num Lock off when booting.
To fix this:
1.. Start the Registry Editor
2.. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Keyboard \
3.. Double-click the value InitialKeyboardIndicators, and enter 2
as it's Value data
4.. Close the registry editor
5.. Log off, or restart Windows for the changes to take effect]