Keyboard trouble with Vista

Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
My notebook, NEC Ver. SA Pro, running on Vista, has keyboard trouble.
Yesterday suddenly the right side of the keyboard is only typing numbers.

Does anyone know what happened and how to change it back to normal?
The left side of the keyboard works normal.
That does not sound like a Vista 'problem' but more likely you have used the Fn key and or number lock ... actually, I think it's the same thing.

Our very own Taffycat will be able to tell you more ... wait till she has had her coffee ...

Hello Kumotteiru

Yes, Mucks sounds absolutely right about your Numbers Lock being operational :nod:

You will probably see than an LED light is glowing beneath a little "padlock" symbol which has a tiny 1 in the centre of it.... just press and hold the Fn and NumLk key combination (the light will go out) and your keyboard should function normally again.

Now for that coffee :D

Welcome to PC Review :wave:
keyboard trouble solved!

Thank you! You solved the problem. :thumb:
I am a normal user and when something is wrong, I don't know where the problem lies.
I never had this problem before, so I just assumed it is a software problem.

Next time I know what to do.:)

Have a cup of coffee on me, please.

Kumotteiru - as someone who has been guilty of thinking that her PC has given-up the ghost completely.... only to discover that it wasn't plugged in :rolleyes: I understand your feelings completely :lol:

Coffee much appreciated, thank you :D