Open Keyboard Properties...
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Keyboard |
Speed tab | Fiddle with the Repeat delay and Repeat rate. There is a
under the Speed tab to do just that
Repeat delay
[[Adjusts the amount of time that elapses before a character begins to
repeat when you hold down a key. To change the repeat delay, drag the
Repeat rate
[[Adjusts the speed at which a character repeats when you hold down a key.
To change the repeat rate, drag the slider.]]
Open Keyboard Properties...
Start | Run | Type or Paste: control main.cpl,keyboard | Click OK
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Frank Martin said:
I have a new IBM microsoft keyboard, but it has "hair trigger" keys which
cause a lot of typos.
Can I reduce the sensitivity?
Please help, Frank