Keyboard shortcut not working in Word 2007

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I have Office 2007. In Word 2007, the keyboard shortcut for Save As is Ctrl
+ S. However, when I type Ctrl + S, nothing happens. How can I correct this

Thank you.
While F12 also brings up the File>SaveAs dialog, if you customize the Quick
Access Toolbar by adding the Customize Keyboard button (From the All
Commands Group), you can then get access to the Customize Keyboard dialog
and with the Office Menu item selected in the Categories list, scroll down
through the commands to the FileSaveAs command and with it selected, use the
mouse to click in the Press new shortcut key control and then press the
Ctrl+S combination and then click on Assign and then on Close.

By default, this modification will have been saved in the Normal.dotm
template unless you change the location for it to be saved in the Save
changes in pulldown.

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via
Also, what may be confusing is that Ctrl+S doesn't not function until a new
document has been saved. So the first save occasion, you have to use F12;
then Ctrl+S will work.
That doesn't sound right? CTRL+S will (should) display the SaveAs dialog if
the document has not been saved?
CTRL+S should be assigned, by default, to the FileSave function - in fact
the same as F12.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

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I'm with Graham. If I use Ctrl+S for an unsaved document in Word 2007, I get
the Save As dialog. But if a user wants a keyboard shortcut specifically for
Save As (i.e., to save an already named document with a different name),
then one will have to be assigned, as there is not one by default.

And I would be surprised if "nothing happens" when Ctrl+S is pressed; it may
be that the save is so quick that the user doesn't notice that anything is
happening, and he might get this impression if he was expecting a dialog box
to open, but, if the document contains changes, it will be saved.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
It never worked for me in first time in a document in W2007, but it did in
previous versions and does in W2010. I didn't really investigate that hard
in W2007 though as I edited Save to F12. But it definitely behaved like

By default, Ctrl+S is the keyboard shortcut for Save, not for Save As.

For Save As, you can use F12 or why not the old accelerator keys: Alt, F, A.