The Fuller Family
We just got a new D ell XPS and my 1 5 month old son banged
on some keys just as I was a bout to shut it down. Now , the
key board is stuck on what I'd like to call " fast typer mode " (
which I am not THAT fast ) . The computer automa tically takes a
space when ev er I pause from typing -- even for a brief second, as you can
see here in this post . I'm sure this feature is great for those who do
a lot of typing and don't make ma ny mista kes. HOwe ver, since this is
just a home computer used for our family stuff , we really need to
figure out how to turn this f eat ure off. C an anyone help me ??
Thank you ,
The Fuller Family
on some keys just as I was a bout to shut it down. Now , the
key board is stuck on what I'd like to call " fast typer mode " (
which I am not THAT fast ) . The computer automa tically takes a
space when ev er I pause from typing -- even for a brief second, as you can
see here in this post . I'm sure this feature is great for those who do
a lot of typing and don't make ma ny mista kes. HOwe ver, since this is
just a home computer used for our family stuff , we really need to
figure out how to turn this f eat ure off. C an anyone help me ??
Thank you ,
The Fuller Family