Keyboard problems

Sep 4, 2006
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Have a Dell Inspiron laptop which has taken on a life of its own and when you press g g5 appears and h comes up with h6 and some of the numbers do the same thing - any ideas please
prehaps your layout is a us one as oppsed to a uk one

wat operating system are you running?
Spillage can sometimes cause the membrane under the keys to do this.

I hope it aint coke tho because this eats away the circuit tracks on the membrane unless its cleaned. Has anything been spilled on it?
I have the same laptop inspiron but some of the keys stick some times.

There has been no water on it aswell.
Sounds like an iffy keyboard, that's happened to me before.

Confirm by using a substitute keyboard, if that good, old one bad.

A new keyboard costs between a fiver and fifty quid.

I shall refrain from comments about Coke rotting membranes.