My keyboard i€s doing not good lately and I hope anyone here coul
help me a€s €soon as€ pos€s€ible... :crybaby: Could you s€ee tho€s
s€y€mbol€s like thi€s? (€) It appear€s when I type the letter €s an
this€ irritate€s me a lot! Another thing is€ when I pres€€s CAPSLOCK
window€s log€s off automatically . The CNTRL key als€o act€
differently. Whenever I pre€s€s it, the help window of the activ
program open€s automatically. The number€s al€so of in the mai
keyboard (located in the upper level of the letter€s) irritates€ m
:retard: . When I'm s€urfing the net, a€s I pre€ss€ tho€se numbers€
it refre€she€s the page. What do you think s€hould I do? Is€i
cua€sed by a virus€ or s€pyware or anything? Or my keyboard i€s ju€s
broken and need€s replacement? I hope I could have an an€swer a€
s€oon a€s po€s€sible. Thank€s to all!!! :
help me a€s €soon as€ pos€s€ible... :crybaby: Could you s€ee tho€s
s€y€mbol€s like thi€s? (€) It appear€s when I type the letter €s an
this€ irritate€s me a lot! Another thing is€ when I pres€€s CAPSLOCK
window€s log€s off automatically . The CNTRL key als€o act€
differently. Whenever I pre€s€s it, the help window of the activ
program open€s automatically. The number€s al€so of in the mai
keyboard (located in the upper level of the letter€s) irritates€ m
:retard: . When I'm s€urfing the net, a€s I pre€ss€ tho€se numbers€
it refre€she€s the page. What do you think s€hould I do? Is€i
cua€sed by a virus€ or s€pyware or anything? Or my keyboard i€s ju€s
broken and need€s replacement? I hope I could have an an€swer a€
s€oon a€s po€s€sible. Thank€s to all!!! :