Can you get into Safe Mode? To do this reboot your machine and as the bios
details appear on screen keep tapping the F8 button until a menu appears
then select Safe Mode. If you don't get it first time just keep rebooting
until you do - it does take some practise.
Once in safe mode the keyboard and mouse should be accessible because they
are using basic drivers. All you need do then is go to control panel, click
the system icon. In the system properties click the Advanced tab followed by
Device manager. Locate your keyboard from the list and right click on it.
Now select properties. In the keyboard properties window click drivers and
then select the Rollback drivers options. This should return your drivers
back to the one previous to your recent update. Do the same with your mouse.
Finally reboot and see if that does the trick. You then have to consider
whether it is worth updating the drivers to the latest ones again.