Keyboard Malfunction




Im having a some minor problems with my keyboard. The spacebar, the delete
key, and both the comma/quotation, and semi-colon/colon key have gone dead on
my Toshiba Satellite 10 laptop. Have no idea what has happened and any
attempts I've
made to get to the bottom of the problem haven't been successful.

Prior to the keys go dead, there was a moan from the laptop. The fan is
working, so
I have no idea what that moan was. That being said, I think the probem has
originated in my MS Word app. or I might be having a problem with BIOS. I
have seen the dreaded blue screen a couple of times this week before the
keyboard went
down. My on screen seems to be working fine, and Im curious about that.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and pointing me in the right
direction to fix this problem will be greatly appreciated. Ive already heard
buy a new keyboard and it is good advice, but Ive been told that changing
individual keys is the worst case scenario. Somebody mentioned that there is
padding under the keys that wears down but I don't really think that is where
my problem lies.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards


truevirgo61 said:

Im having a some minor problems with my keyboard. The spacebar, the delete
key, and both the comma/quotation, and semi-colon/colon key have gone dead
my Toshiba Satellite 10 laptop. Have no idea what has happened and any
attempts I've
made to get to the bottom of the problem haven't been successful.

Prior to the keys go dead, there was a moan from the laptop. The fan is
working, so
I have no idea what that moan was. That being said, I think the probem
originated in my MS Word app. or I might be having a problem with BIOS. I
have seen the dreaded blue screen a couple of times this week before the
keyboard went
down. My on screen seems to be working fine, and Im curious about that.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and pointing me in the right
direction to fix this problem will be greatly appreciated. Ive already
buy a new keyboard and it is good advice, but Ive been told that changing
individual keys is the worst case scenario. Somebody mentioned that there
padding under the keys that wears down but I don't really think that is
my problem lies.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards

What specifically makes you suspect a connection with Word or the BIOS? What
did the blue screen say? What do you mean by your "on screen" working fine?

Have a look in the Event Logs (Start > Run > eventvwr.msc) for any relevant
alerts (relevant by timing or content).

Is there a chance that someone could have spilled something on the keyboard
without telling you?


Please post a complete copies of any current Error / Warning Reports
from the System log in Event Viewer.

You can access Event Viewer by selecting Start, Control Panel,
Administrative Tools, and Event Viewer.

A tip for posting copies of Error Reports! Run Event Viewer and double
click on the error you want to copy. In the window, which appears is a
button resembling two pages. Click the button and close Event
Viewer.Now start your message (email) and do a paste into the body of
the message. Make sure this is the first paste after exiting from
Event Viewer.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute


Hey Gerry, I would really love to send you that info, but there is just way
too much of it. I can tell you this, the majority, if not all the errors are
from the source Service Control Manager. Theres heaps of them.

There is also SidebySide (lots) and many SNMP too, not to mention some
RemoteAcess warnings too. I didn' t know that my remote access was on.

Most of the Service Control Manager staff either has N/A or system as user.

RemoteAccess user N/A, a fewTcpip warnings dating back to last week-User is
Theres a lot mate. Too much to send. Should I be looking for anything in


Nothing was spilled on the laptop. The blue screen mentioned BIOS issue,
something about turning it off, that maybe something was corrupted, a file or
software I downloaded. That problem occurred regularly, but then stopped. I
didnt see a blue screen the entire week before my keyboard malfunctioned.

I appreciate the help guys.


Correction, I see in my first post I said this week in regards to blue
screen, I meant to say the previous week. Also, the on screen keypad works
fine, all keys are functioning normally.


truevirgo61 said:
Correction, I see in my first post I said this week in regards to blue
screen, I meant to say the previous week. Also, the on screen keypad
fine, all keys are functioning normally.

What was the MS Word connection?

Things I'd try:
- turning laptop upside down and shaking to see if paperclips, food crumbs,
illegal immigrants etc fall out
- try seeing if keyboard part is fairly easily lifted up and out (check
with laptop handbook/PDF) and check connections (but not if this would void
any warranty)
- open Device Manager (Start > Run > devmgmt.msc); if keyboard has a
separate entry, right-click and Uninstall it, then reboot and let it be

Did you do or try anything that seemed to stop the blue screens? If you get
any more blue screens, be sure to write down the messages this time:
"...mentioned BIOS issue, something about turning it off, that maybe
something was corrupted..." isn't really precise enough to give us a
direction to look in! And see if any of the Event Logs has any relevant
entries relating to the time when you *were* getting these blue screens
regularly, if they go back far enough.

Are you posting from a different machine than to the other group,
where--you--had--to--type--like--this, or has your spacebar started working


Im using on screen keyboard, thats why Im able to space. Still using same

Green LED lights on either F10 or F11 when I use fn key, that never used to
Keyboard is clean. Somebody says that I might have turned on a kb mode. He
doubted that it was Word, but he asked me about the LED when I mentioned I
thought the problem might have something to do with Word or Bios.


I suggest you post the first six Error Reports from the System log for
the current boot, if necessary reboot, so that we can see how problems
develop. All reports record the date and time. Most Reports should be
Information Reports and you can ignore these.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 7023
Date: 31/05/2008
Time: 01:40:42
User: N/A
Computer: PC0939
The Application Management service terminated with the following error:
The specified module could not be found.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

You can dispense with the part of the Report corresponding to /
beginning with "For more information". The link only works on the
machine where the Error was generated. You can see further details after
the link but the information is not intelligble to us mere mortals.

What happens if you connect an old style wired conventional keyboard U
(used normally with a desktop)? Does it work without error?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute



Here's what I have for today, since I turned on PC this morning. I dont
have access to a conventional keyboard. All laptops in our household.

System Events

Service Control Manger

The following bootstart or system-start driver(s) failed to load.
Avg7Core, Avg7RsXP (I haven't used Avg in almost two years. Currently
using Threatfire)

Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 7026
Source: Service Control Manager
Version: 5.0
Component: System Event Log
Message: The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:

The specified drivers did not load correctly. The driver might not be in the
expected location.

Service Control Manager

The Human Interface Device Access service terminated with the following
error: The specified module could not be found.

Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 7023
Source: Service Control Manager
Version: 5.0
Component: System Event Log
Message: The %1 service terminated with the following error:

The specified service stopped unexpectedly with the error indicated in the
message. The service closed safely.

Version: 5.2
Message: The %1 service terminated with the following error:

The specified service stopped unexpectedly with the error indicated in the
message. The service closed safely.


The SNMP service is ignoring extension agent key
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IPXMibAgent\CurrentVersion because it is missing or

Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 1101
Source: SNMP
Version: 5.2
Message: The SNMP Service is ignoring extension agent key %1 because it is
missing or misconfigured.

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service cannot load an
extension agent because the extension agent is no longer installed on the
computer or is incorrectly configured in the registry key.


The value named AutoShareWks in the server's registry key
LanmanServer\Parameters was not valid, and was ignored. If you want to change
the value, change it to one that is the correct type and is within the
acceptable range, or delete the value to use the default. This value might
have been set up by an older program that did not use the correct boundaries.

Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 2506
Source: Server
Version: 5.2.3790.1830
Message: The server service configuration was invalid but system recovered.

This rule generates an alert any time a service attempts to start up with an
invalid configuration. In this case, the alert has warning-level severity,
denoting that while the service’s configuration was detected as invalid, the
service was still able to start successfully. However, the service may not be
running in the desired configuration.

This alert occurs when the service’s configuration parameters in the
registry are invalid. Possible causes include:

The service itself experienced an error while updating the configuration
The configuration value may have been incorrectly modified through manual
administrative action.
Another application incorrectly modified the service’s configuration settings.



TraceLevel parameter not located in registry;Default trace level used is 32.

Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 1015
Source: EvntAgnt
Version: 5.0
Component: Application Event Log
Message: TraceLevel parameter not located in registry; Default trace level
used is %1.

Debug tracing is turned off. This is the default condition of the system.
Debug tracing should only be turned on when you are debugging software.

These error events will continue to be logged when you restart the computer,
unless you reconfigure the Evntagnt.dll.


Gerry and Olorin,

I just want to let you guys know that you have been great with the help you
have given me so far. I'm not a computer geek by any stretch of the
imagination, but for the past 4 years there has not been an issue I haven't
been able to resolve until now. Your help is greatly appreciated.

That being said, other then the keyboard issue, the computer is running
great. There is an issue from time to time when the computer has a mind of
its own. It sometimes highlights things in blue without me making it do so,
but it stops when I click in the right spot on the page I'm on. It's more of
a pain in the ass than anything else, like when I'm writing in notepad,
wordpad, or document. Been like that for a long time. Don't know what causes
it, but I'm always able to type and post online.

Anyway, whatever the problem with the keyboard is, I think it is related to
the "LED" that lights up under the F10 and F11 keys. Those keys never lit
before I began experiencing this current problem. I could be wrong about
that, but it is curious. They only light up when I use the Fn key. Until now
the Fn key was never touched deliberately, but when it was accidentally
touched the "LED" never lit up. Only green light I ever saw are the ones
that indicate power.

Anyway, I can't thank you enough for the help you have given me so far. So,
do we know what the problem is? By the way, haven't seen a "blue screen"
since the problem arose either.

Thanks again guys.


Gerry and Olorin,

I just want to let you guys know that you have been great with the help you
have given me so far. I'm not a computer geek by any stretch of the
imagination, but for the past 4 years there has not been an issue I haven't
been able to resolve until now. Your help is greatly appreciated.

That being said, other then the keyboard issue, the computer is running
great. There is an issue from time to time when the computer has a mind of
its own. It sometimes highlights things in blue without me making it do so,
but it stops when I click in the right spot on the page I'm on. It's more of
a pain in the ass than anything else, like when I'm writing in notepad,
wordpad, or document. Been like that for a long time. Don't know what causes
it, but I'm always able to type and post online.

Anyway, whatever the problem with the keyboard is, I think it is related to
the "LED" that lights up under the F10 and F11 keys. Those keys never lit
before I began experiencing this current problem. I could be wrong about
that, but it is curious. They only light up when I use the Fn key. Until now
the Fn key was never touched deliberately, but when it was accidentally
touched the "LED" never lit up. Only green light I ever saw are the ones
that indicate power.

Anyway, I can't thank you enough for the help you have given me so far. So,
do we know what the problem is? By the way, haven't seen a "blue screen"
since the problem arose either.

Thanks again guys.

I've been following this thread because my Sony Vaio laptop occasionally
did strange things also. I narrowed it down to a keyboard "function
service" called 'HKserv.exe' which is a hot key server. It is supposed
to kick in when I press the Fn key and let me access such things as
volume, brightness, contrast, mute and switch from LCD screen to VGA
monitor. For some reason it started to go 'bad' (I know, software
doesn't go "bad" but this did) and I had to download and reinstall it.

The whole point of this is you might check for that type of service and
see if it is causing your troubles.



Service: "Human Interface Device Access" - From a newsgroup post: "The
following error will occur if any of the following three files are
missing, namely: "hidserv.dll", "mouhid.sys", and "mouclass.sys". Error
description: "Could not start the Human Interface Device Access service
on Local Computer. Error 126: the specified module could not be found".
To fix this problem extract "hidserv.dll"", mouhid.sys" and
"mouclass.sys" from the file "", located on the Windows XP
Setup CD to "<SystemRoot>\windows\system32\".
1. Insert Windows XP Setup CD.
2. Browse to <CDROM drive letter>:\i386\
3. Double click the "" file. The compressed files in the
".cab" file will be listed.
4. Copy the three files to "<SystemRoot>\windows\system32\". Reboot the
Source : EventID. net

Also read here:

Some of the other Reports are going outside my understanding! How is or
was the computer networked?

I am also puzzled why some reports seem incomplete? How were they

Message: The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to
load: %1

The specified drivers did not load correctly. The driver might not be
in the expected location.

Where it says "load %1" I would expect the name of a driver.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

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