I have just upgraded from XP to Vista basic and find my logitech keyboard is now swapping keys ... " inplace of @ for example. Does anyone know how to correct these errors. Any ideas gratefully received.
That will be because you have US keyboard settings instead of UK - I don't know how to change that in Vista as I haven't used it properly yet, however if you have a browse around the control panel you should be able to change it in there
Thanks for the tip. I went into control panel, found change keyboard, ticked english UK as default/apply/ok But the same error still happens. Could it be an unironed out bug in Vista?
Are all of the regional and language settings switched to the UK, there will no doubt be something buried somewhere deep that will fix it Perhaps someone here with Vista will be able to point you in the right direction.
Thanks everyone for suggestions all much appreciated and particularly to Ian Cunningham. I found something called advanced key settings then played around with something called Hot Keys for languages. Not quite sure what I did but it seems to have solved the problem