if you configure the following key during the FBA phase, then
the whole system will be ok:
HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboard layout\preload
for example, when set the value 1 to 40C, the whole system
is set for french keyboard.
now, just put a resource during the phase 8499, then the .default
key will be inherited for all subsequent created users, including
assuming you know the keyboard layout code. otherwise, you must
search in the registry
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts
to find all code.
now you can be more tricky by putting the 'layout text' as your config file,
then, you can have a simple .bat script the parse this file, compare and
the layout code (the key name under 'kayboard layouts'), and thanks to
put the preload key to the right key code.
anyways, the critical (key
) point is to launch the batch during the
phase BEFORE
the first reboot of FBA, we use phase 8499 and it works fine.
no, I will not describe how to put a resource to launch a .bat in TD.
I can, a la limite, privide the .bat file providing that the config file is
in the same
format (layout text) as ours.
hope this helps
J'eprouve une soudaine compassion pour ceux qui souffrent comme moi
avec cet OS (si on peux appeler cela un OS)