Twila said:
How do I get rid of the talking lady and her keyboard that pops up at
startup? I am a new Vista user and I can't find it in any setting.
Since I can't see your computer, I can only guess what you mean by "the
talking lady and her keyboard". Either you have got something activated in
the Ease of Use Accessibility Options (look in Control Panel and disable
everything in there) or you have some program like Mavis Beacon Teaches
Typing starting with Windows. In the latter case, you need to manage your
tart Orb>Start Search box>msconfig [enter]
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation,
type the password, or click Continue. Then see what is on the Startup tab.
You don't need to restart immediately, but the next time you do you'll get
a dialog saying you've used the Utility. Usually in Vista this will be
blocked by Windows Defender and you'll need to allow it so you can then
tick the box that says in effect, "don't bother me about this again".
Important - Do not use the System Configuration Utility to stop processes.
Instead, use Start>Run>services.msc [enter] and do not stop any services
unless you really, really know what you're doing.
The free Autoruns program is very useful for managing your Startup - - Autoruns
Elephant Boy Computers
Don't Panic!