Key Loggers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tim
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I originally asked a question about this in the
"Announcements" board (Beta Capabilities) and then saw
several responses in the "General" area. The reason you
guys got a sudden spike in questions about keyloggers is
that ABC News did a segment on their evening news (18th)
warning that this is the top culprit now for ID theft. I
appreciate the MVP's answers which make me feel more
confident of using MS AntiSpyware (Beta). I also must add
surprise at the one response blasting employers using them
against employees - sheesh, get a life and use your
companies CPU properly, do your poking/peeking at home -
you'd have a different attitude if you were the financial
officer of a major corporation, idiot! (Again, thanks for
the MVP repsonses)
I also saw that report on ABC News and thought it was pretty lame. The
teasers made it sound like there was some new, specific threat sweeping
across the Internet which is the only reason I watched. The story turned out
to be a generic report on key loggers and they gave no advice on how to
protect yourself (other than to visit their website for "more information"
which didn't have any useful additional information). Sounds like they want
some folks to turn off their computers and go to Disneyland or something! ;)
Hi Tim,

Aha! Great explanation. On the flip side, I just nabbed 6 loggers off one
machine today some with knowledge and others with MWAS 615 from Safe Mode,
so they are a real and present danger. The MVP's are here to try and help
ya'll out, and if it's broke, we'll tell you.
The opinions of our posters are as diverse as the posters zip codes. We've
got folks here from all over the world, and their views of the 'system' may
well be a tad different from ours. I would take a guess that some of the
surfing done on work time wouldn't be allowed at home, and that those folks
don't consider the legal and financial bind they can put their companies in
.. I think we can discuss the pros and cons without needing to rent out
the OK Corral to do so.

Ron Chamberlin
Hi Paul,
Yup. Keyloggers weren't invented yesterday. They are certainly a problem
and a threat, and can come in a variety of delivery mechanisms ranging from
a software drop to a hardware intercept.

I'll age myself here and quote Sgt. Phil Esterhouse of Hill Street Blues:
"Let's be careful out there!"

Ron Chamberlin
Ron Chamberlin presented the following explanation :
I'll age myself here and quote Sgt. Phil Esterhouse of Hill Street Blues:
"Let's be careful out there!"

Great! ;)

It´s a wild jungle........