Ken Lee, ken lee without without you

Oh my goodness.... her English "translation" was pretty interesting. :eek: :D
Very funny! :lol:

...although the downside is that I've had this song in my head all day now - dodgy lyrics and all!!
A longa longa longa long time ago, before the rain, before the snow, Harry Nilsson (gawd rest his soul guvnor) wrote a really good song and made a fairly good job of singing it himself. Since then countless people have attempted to mess it up, including Mariah Carey.

Harry Nilsson used to start the day on a film set typically with Keith Moon, Vivian Stanshall and Oliver Reed where they would all breakfast on full bottles of brandy. The artistic output of these gentlemen is sacrosanct and I think dodgy Bulgarian bints wearing iffy satin frocks and overpaid sickly-sweet American female singers with a weight problem should shy away from some areas of entertainment.

You know it makes sense :)

Coming soon: Steptoe & Son, the remake movie, starring Skrillex, Example and Wretch 32
A longa longa longa long time ago, before the rain, before the snow, Harry Nilsson (gawd rest his soul guvnor) wrote a really good song and made a fairly good job of singing it himself. Since then countless people have attempted to mess it up, including Mariah Carey.

Originally written by Pete Ham and Tom Evans for British rock band Badfinger. Sadly they both killed themsleves within two years of writing the song. There's a 3 part documentryon Youtube about it/them/the song
Originally written by Pete Ham and Tom Evans for British rock band Badfinger. Sadly they both killed themsleves within two years of writing the song. There's a 3 part documentryon Youtube about it/them/the song

Oh noes oh noes oh noes, will I ever be able to overcome the shame at failing on Pop Quiz PC Review UK Stylee? No, I will not, I hang my head at having made a severe booboo.

Pour custard down my Y-Fronts, put coleslaw in my clogs and thrash me to within an inch of my life with some mayo-filled celery, for I cannot stand the shame.

I actually knew all that, where the hell was I coming from? Still, Massah Harry made the best job of it didn't he? Badfinger were a fine band, quite peculiar about two brothers committing hari kari though.

I stand corrected, as Vampire Weekend are wont to sing ;)
The funny thing is that when non-bulgarians watch this clip the first time, we think that she is singing in Bulgarian. When she says she is singing in English it is a twist ending. :)