Keeps resetting

  • Thread starter Thread starter meow2222
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Was installing 98se on an IBM laptop. HDD had been partitioned anew
and formatted, 98 had copied files and went to reboot, but from that
point on it just posts then resets, over and over. The win start files
look fine in DOS, and it boots into dos from flop no problem. I dont
understand whats causing the problem, or what I can do about it. Any

P2 300, 128M, 98se, 8G

How far does it go before it resets? It probably gives an error message, which might not be on the screen long enough for you to read.
Boot from the floppy and run Sys A: C: You should then be able to boot to DOS with the hard drive. If you are able to boot to DOS with the hard drive try the Win98 installation again.

Was installing 98se on an IBM laptop. HDD had been partitioned anew
and formatted, 98 had copied files and went to reboot, but from that
point on it just posts then resets, over and over. The win start files
look fine in DOS, and it boots into dos from flop no problem. I dont
understand whats causing the problem, or what I can do about it. Any

P2 300, 128M, 98se, 8G


A random guess would be that the bios doesn't see the HDD
as a viable boot device, if it resets at the moment the POST
enumeration is finished.

How far does it get when it resets (being as exact as
possible, including making a windows boot log if it gets
that far)? The boot log is made by pressing some <Fn> key
like <F5> or <F8> then picking the option on the inbuilt
menu. Having the log you can just "type bootlog.txt" to
list it at the dos prompt. It's been so long since I've ran
one, I might have the filename wrong but look at the new
file and date, and where the log ends abruptly.

Is the HDD known working (recently)? Had it been bootable,
I mean had you been able to boot anything from it yet? Is
the partition set as Active? What if you take a DOS floppy
and (with on it) do a "sys c" at the command prompt
to get a boot sector and DOS system files on it if not on it
yet, just to see if it'll boot to DOS on it's own?

Since the laptop is quite old I suppose it's possible the
recent activity of writing all these windows files was
enough to do it in... you might run the HDD manufacturer's
diagnostics to check it..
kony said:
A random guess would be that the bios doesn't see the HDD
as a viable boot device, if it resets at the moment the POST
enumeration is finished.

How far does it get when it resets (being as exact as
possible, including making a windows boot log if it gets
that far)? The boot log is made by pressing some <Fn> key
like <F5> or <F8> then picking the option on the inbuilt
menu. Having the log you can just "type bootlog.txt" to
list it at the dos prompt. It's been so long since I've ran
one, I might have the filename wrong but look at the new
file and date, and where the log ends abruptly.

Is the HDD known working (recently)? Had it been bootable,
I mean had you been able to boot anything from it yet? Is
the partition set as Active? What if you take a DOS floppy
and (with on it) do a "sys c" at the command prompt
to get a boot sector and DOS system files on it if not on it
yet, just to see if it'll boot to DOS on it's own?

Since the laptop is quite old I suppose it's possible the
recent activity of writing all these windows files was
enough to do it in... you might run the HDD manufacturer's
diagnostics to check it..

Lucky me, I began to go thru the things you both suggested, but
the first thing tried worked. I sys c: and it then booted up into
windows. Still not sure why tho, as had tried the install from 2
different CDs in case one was damaged, and both same deal.
