I have a pair of workbooks. One is created by a coworker, mine provides a
number of utilities back to the coworker's workbook.
Coworker's workbook has a name "VLAPPI". My workbook is titled "Scenarios".
My coworker has graciously included code in ThisWorkbook to call my workbook
upon startup or activation. My workbook addes a menu of my utilities to the
VLAPPI workbook.
In one of the utilities I provide , a new file is created, activated,
renamed, and saved. After saving the new file I need to get back to the
VLAPPI workbook.
The problem is the file may not necessarilty be called VLAPPI. It coould
have some other name. I don't know how to active that workbook if it is
under a different name.
Right now I'm using Windows("VLAPPI.xls").Activate
But if the name is different this blows up.
How can I set a public variable for the workbook that the menu selection was
made from to run my utility and that will work regardless of the name of my
coworker's workbook? So if the work book is named "VLAPPX" I can reactive
the "calling" workbook "VLAPPX" when my utility has run its course.
Would it help if I told him he can change the name but the first two letters
had to be "VL"?
number of utilities back to the coworker's workbook.
Coworker's workbook has a name "VLAPPI". My workbook is titled "Scenarios".
My coworker has graciously included code in ThisWorkbook to call my workbook
upon startup or activation. My workbook addes a menu of my utilities to the
VLAPPI workbook.
In one of the utilities I provide , a new file is created, activated,
renamed, and saved. After saving the new file I need to get back to the
VLAPPI workbook.
The problem is the file may not necessarilty be called VLAPPI. It coould
have some other name. I don't know how to active that workbook if it is
under a different name.
Right now I'm using Windows("VLAPPI.xls").Activate
But if the name is different this blows up.
How can I set a public variable for the workbook that the menu selection was
made from to run my utility and that will work regardless of the name of my
coworker's workbook? So if the work book is named "VLAPPX" I can reactive
the "calling" workbook "VLAPPX" when my utility has run its course.
Would it help if I told him he can change the name but the first two letters
had to be "VL"?