Derek Brown
Hi all
Well been working on this a while! How do you get subreports to stay
together on a page and stop half of a 3 line report starting on one page and
finishing on another. I have everything I can see set to keep together but
it just ignors me (and laughs) and continues to do exactly what it likes.
The three lines are separate fields with one line per field and i am
printing a report in two columns A4 landscape.
Well been working on this a while! How do you get subreports to stay
together on a page and stop half of a 3 line report starting on one page and
finishing on another. I have everything I can see set to keep together but
it just ignors me (and laughs) and continues to do exactly what it likes.
The three lines are separate fields with one line per field and i am
printing a report in two columns A4 landscape.