Keep lines when one column equals certain criteria

  • Thread starter Thread starter Donna
  • Start date Start date


Thanks for taking a look at this one.
I have a worksheet with invoice amounts, payments, voids and adjustments
each on a separate line. Each line has an invoice reference in Col F. If
Column K has "Adj" in it I would like for it to keep all the corresponding
lines for that invoice.
Col F Col K
12345 Adj
123456 Adj

I would want it to keep all the lines for inv. 12345 and all the lines for

Think it would have been better/far easier for responders to grasp your issue
if you had displayed the sample desired results for the sample data that you
posted (the simple get-me-from "A" to "B" approach)

Nonetheless here's one thought, focusing on this spec line of yours:
.. keep all the lines for inv. 12345 and all the lines for 123456

You could flag all the requisite lines using this in say L2:
Copy down to L10. Then apply autofilter to col L, choose: x to filter out
the required result lines. Copy the filtered results, paste elsewhere (on
another sheet) as desired. Modify the ranges to suit the actual extents of
your data. Any joy? hit the YES below.
Yes, very joyful. Sorry about not formulating my question better, but you
did get it to do what I wanted it too. Thank you very much. Donna