Mickey Segal
By default, Windows Contacts sorts by the "name" field, which displays
contacts in order of their first names. Although it is possible to specify
sorting by the "Last name" field, and have this setting stick by setting
"Remember each folder's view settings", Windows Contacts first displays the
entries in order of "name" and then takes 35 seconds to re-display in order
of "Last name" (tested with a 2.66 MHz computer with 2.5 GB RAM and 1454
contacts on a computer with a clean install of Vista).
Although Windows XP also defaulted to sorting by "name", changing the
sorting to "last name" resulted in Windows Address Book showing the entries
immediately using the desired sorting method.
A workaround for the Vista behavior would be, within each contact, to set
the full name field to have the last name first, but each contact is added
by default in "First M. Last" order, and it would be a bother to change over
1500 contacts to such a format and make sure each new contact is added in
the non-default form.
Have I missed the setting to get immediate "last name" sorting in Windows
Contacts, or has Microsoft taken something that worked well in XP and
crippled it in Vista?
contacts in order of their first names. Although it is possible to specify
sorting by the "Last name" field, and have this setting stick by setting
"Remember each folder's view settings", Windows Contacts first displays the
entries in order of "name" and then takes 35 seconds to re-display in order
of "Last name" (tested with a 2.66 MHz computer with 2.5 GB RAM and 1454
contacts on a computer with a clean install of Vista).
Although Windows XP also defaulted to sorting by "name", changing the
sorting to "last name" resulted in Windows Address Book showing the entries
immediately using the desired sorting method.
A workaround for the Vista behavior would be, within each contact, to set
the full name field to have the last name first, but each contact is added
by default in "First M. Last" order, and it would be a bother to change over
1500 contacts to such a format and make sure each new contact is added in
the non-default form.
Have I missed the setting to get immediate "last name" sorting in Windows
Contacts, or has Microsoft taken something that worked well in XP and
crippled it in Vista?