The code works fine, I can set backlight to half power an my SP3.
Problem is , that keypresses overide it , on keypresses backlight goes
to full power for the defined time in settings.
So i changed the setting for backlight in registry to 0
But this has only effect after a reset, cause driver backlight has not
got the changes.
Therefore is the backlightchangeevent.
U see it at the end of the code i posted.
But is C# , i tried to translate it to VB.Net, but failed.
Never worked with events before.
So I requested the full code in to raise theat event.
Anyone is so kind to do ??
After this , keypresses have no effect to the settings from ur code.
// Signal display driver to update
HANDLE hBackLightEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, TRUE,
if (hBackLightEvent)