KB942615 still crashes IE v.6

  • Thread starter Timothy Daniels
  • Start date

Timothy Daniels

A month after the update debacle wherein KB942615 security
update to WinXP caused IE to crash at some sites,
(mail.yahoo.com did it for me), I've re-downloaded the update
and re-installed it, and it still causes IE to crash. What is the
final "fix" for this update? Will all users have to go diddling in
their Registries to get beyond this?


Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Timothy Daniels said:
A month after the update debacle wherein KB942615 security
update to WinXP caused IE to crash at some sites,
(mail.yahoo.com did it for me), I've re-downloaded the update
and re-installed it, and it still causes IE to crash. What is the
final "fix" for this update? Will all users have to go diddling in
their Registries to get beyond this?

Internet Explorer 6 crashes after you install security update 942615 on a
computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2

See also

If none of that works, turn off your anti-virus and anti-spyware programs
and uninstall KB942615. Then reinstall it and then turn them back on.

Timothy Daniels

Frank Saunders said:
Internet Explorer 6 crashes after you install security update 942615 on a
computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2

See also

If none of that works, turn off your anti-virus and anti-spyware programs and
uninstall KB942615. Then reinstall it and then turn them back on.

Thanks for the KB946627 link. I'd tried the the anti-virus/
anti-spamware OFF thing in December when this all broke -
and it didn't help. This KB946627 did the trick, though. It's
surprising and disappointing that Microsoft didn't include
the KB96627 fix within the KB942615 update. What are all
the grannies and normal people to do? This is a dereliction of
Microsoft's duty to its users.


Timothy Daniels

"PA Bear [MS MVP]" aksed:
Does the post-crash error message point to URLMON.DLL?

Is Automatic Updates enabled?

I never did see an error message - only an offer from
Visual Studio to start debugging. I couldn't get anything
useful out of running the Event Viewer on the app log,
either. I do all updates by request, never automatically.



Timothy Daniels said:
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" aksed:
Does the post-crash error message point to URLMON.DLL?

Is Automatic Updates enabled?

I never did see an error message - only an offer from
Visual Studio to start debugging. I couldn't get anything
useful out of running the Event Viewer on the app log,
either. I do all updates by request, never automatically.


Subscribe to this link, ready for next Black Tuesday offerings :-(



Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Timothy Daniels said:
Thanks for the KB946627 link. I'd tried the the anti-virus/
anti-spamware OFF thing in December when this all broke -
and it didn't help. This KB946627 did the trick, though. It's
surprising and disappointing that Microsoft didn't include
the KB96627 fix within the KB942615 update. What are all
the grannies and normal people to do? This is a dereliction of
Microsoft's duty to its users.


I didn't experience any problems.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Timothy said:
Thanks for the KB946627 link. I'd tried the the anti-virus/
anti-spamware OFF thing in December when this all broke -
and it didn't help. This KB946627 did the trick, though. It's
surprising and disappointing that Microsoft didn't include
the KB96627 fix within the KB942615 update. What are all
the grannies and normal people to do? This is a dereliction of
Microsoft's duty to its users.

Did you read the link I posted? =>

946627 is offered by both Windows Update (website) and Automatic Updates.
Do you have Automatic Updates enabled?

PS: KB942615 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942615) cites KB946627
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/946627) in the Known Issues section.

Timothy Daniels

Did you read the link I posted? =>


946627 is offered by both Windows Update (website) and Automatic Updates. Do
you have Automatic Updates enabled?

I have posted in this thread that I do not enable automatic updates on my
And KB946627 was not offered by the update website.

PS: KB942615 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942615) cites KB946627
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/946627) in the Known Issues section.

You may have the copious amount of time to research each and
every update and to research what may cause various utility
crashes that occur after a series of updates to find out which of
the 4 to 6 updates did the deed, but again, I ask: What normal
person should be asked to do that? The most important question,
though, is why can't Microsoft merely - MERELY - incorporate
the fix for a bad update into its update? If just one PC system
in 100 suffers the mal-effect that KB942615 caused, that's
far too many, especially when Microsoft has the fix for it. Why
didn't Microsoft just include the fix in the next batch of updates,
and apply it to all systems whether they needed the fix or not?
It's not like Microsoft is loathe to install stuff that's not needed
by the majority of users.... is it?


Timothy Daniels

antioch said:
Subscribe to this link, ready for next Black Tuesday offerings :-(


Wow! A newsgroup for update problems - the best
argument for a Mac. :)



"Timothy Daniels"

It's surprising and disappointing that Microsoft didn't include
the KB96627 fix within the KB942615 update. What are all
the grannies and normal people to do? This is a dereliction of
Microsoft's duty to its users.


How do you suppose MS could have done that then?


PA Bear [MS MVP]

Timothy said:
I have posted in this thread that I do not enable automatic updates on

Do you understand that you can configure Automatic Updates to only notify
you of available updates but not to download or install anything without
your permission? See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306525
And KB946627 was not offered by the update website.

It's listed as a High Priority or Recommended update. If Automatic Updates
had been enabled, it would have been offered to the machine.
You may have the copious amount of time to research each and
every update and to research what may cause various utility
crashes that occur after a series of updates to find out which of
the 4 to 6 updates did the deed, but again, I ask: What normal
person should be asked to do that?...

You took the time to post to this newsgroup. You didn't have the time to
read the KB article associated with your problem?

PS: Everything we've covered in this thread has been discussed in other
recent threads in this newsgroup.

Timothy Daniels

"PA Bear [MS MVP]" growled:
Do you understand that you can configure Automatic Updates to only notify you
of available updates but not to download or install anything without your
permission? See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306525

It's listed as a High Priority or Recommended update. If Automatic Updates
had been enabled, it would have been offered to the machine.

You took the time to post to this newsgroup. You didn't have the time to read
the KB article associated with your problem?

PS: Everything we've covered in this thread has been discussed in other recent
threads in this newsgroup.

OK fan-boy. Here's the scoop:

I don't want Automatic Updates diddling in my PC without my directive
to do so. When I do direct it to check my machine for updates that it
doesn't yet have, it takes from 20 to 40 minutes to rummage around in
my PC. I don't want that going on while I'm using my PC for other things,
such as Visual Studio or streaming I/O from the Internet. When I hear
clicking from the hard drive and see packets flowing through the
firewall, I want to know why, and I want to know that I directed it.

There was nothing in the 2 WinXP MS NGs that I monitor about
an update to "fix" the KB942615 fiasco. There has been mention about
a registry hack, but I feel I shouldn't have to diddle in my registry to
fix MS's buggy updates. In that vein, I have seen nothing mentioned
about the KB946627 update in the afore-mentioned NGs, nor was
any mention or offer of it in the MS Windows Update website when I
do check for updates. It seems by your posting that one would have
to monitor the microsoft.puyblic.windows.inetexplorer.ie6.browser NG
to hear anything about. Again, HOW THE HELL IS A NORMAL
BUGGY UPDATE? You may find it to be an entertaining hobby to
maintain you PC, but normal people derive their enjoyment from other

Again, the question you avoid answering is "Why didn't Microsoft
merely correct its buggy update so that subsequent downloaders
thereof would get a good update?" If that had been done, when I next
interrogated the Update website for available updates, I would have
downloaded a good copy of KB942615, not ths same old buggy copy,
and those whose PC's don't exhibit any abnormal behavior as a result
of the update would not be inconvenienced.


PA Bear [MS MVP]

Timothy said:
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" growled:
Do you understand that you can configure Automatic Updates to only notify
you of available updates but not to download or install anything without
your permission? See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306525

It's listed as a High Priority or Recommended update. If Automatic
had been enabled, it would have been offered to the machine.

You took the time to post to this newsgroup. You didn't have the time to
read the KB article associated with your problem?

PS: Everything we've covered in this thread has been discussed in other
recent threads in this newsgroup.

OK fan-boy. Here's the scoop:

I don't want Automatic Updates diddling in my PC without my directive
to do so.

And that's exactly what the Notify Only setting does.

There was nothing in the 2 WinXP MS NGs that I monitor about
an update to "fix" the KB942615 fiasco... <snip>



Again, the question you avoid answering is "Why didn't Microsoft
merely correct its buggy update so that subsequent downloaders
thereof would get a good update?"

Perhaps because only a small subset of IE6 users encountered the problem?

N. Miller

Again, the question you avoid answering is "Why didn't Microsoft
merely correct its buggy update so that subsequent downloaders
thereof would get a good update?" If that had been done, when I next
interrogated the Update website for available updates, I would have
downloaded a good copy of KB942615, not ths same old buggy copy,
and those whose PC's don't exhibit any abnormal behavior as a result
of the update would not be inconvenienced.

That question can only be answered by a Microsoft official; nobody who
doesn't work for MSFT knows. The rest of us can just speculate. My
speculation is that more folks (such as I) did not have a problem with
KB942615 than did. I just checked, and I have KB942615 installed, but not
KB946627. I suspect that MSFT considers the last patch as only needed when
KB942615 is a problem, but unnecessary otherwise.

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.


OK fan-boy. Here's the scoop:

There was nothing in the 2 WinXP MS NGs that I monitor about
an update to "fix" the KB942615 fiasco.

There was in the windows.updates newsgroups.
But then you do not probably 'monitor' that group or even know of it.
If you had have, then you would have, like most sensible posters, have
posted in that group and not IE6 group.

In that vein, I have seen nothing mentioned
about the KB946627 update in the afore-mentioned NGs,

Which ones would they be then?
It seems by your posting that one would have
to monitor the microsoft.puyblic.windows.inetexplorer.ie6.browser NG to
hear anything about.

No it does not - your problem was with an update so just monitor the update
group - simple really.

You are shouting. By monitoring the correct group - windows.update of
Those who do not know about discussion/newsgroups go to their local computer
shop/builder/OEM whatever.
You may find it to be an entertaining hobby to
maintain you PC, but normal people derive their enjoyment from other

Again, the question you avoid answering is "Why didn't Microsoft
merely correct its buggy update so that subsequent downloaders
thereof would get a good update?"

They did - on 21Dec - quite fast for MS to send out a fix.
If that had been done..........

If you had monitored the correct group you would have been aware of the
problems caused to some - and of course read about the 'fix' when it was
You probably did not get offered the fix because 942615 installed OK - so
any scan showed the fix was not needed.


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