Hi Richard,
I'm sorry you've run into unexpected snags with this new machine of yours,
but don't blame this on MS, or start bitching at a responder.
Your initial tone almost guaranteed a less-than-sympathetic response. It
was/is your responsibility to research these things out
Remember dual-core and dual processors was not nearly as prevalent when XP
was introduced--and MS *does* give you a workaround.
Now please, don't *you* get all bitchy about it.
Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...
| Comments inserted

| regards, Richard
| | > RJK wrote:
| >> Having an hour or two to spare, I Googled around and further researched
| >> the new (older gen. Pentium D935) components that I slapped into my
| >> system box, ...box a few weeks ago, (mobo/cpu/memory and other parts)
| >>
| >> I stumbled across
| >>
| >> ...which led me to :-
| >>
| >>
| >> FAT LOT OF GOOD IT IS, me building a new system box to find that MS
| >> left it up to me to get their OS making use of half of it.
| >>
| >> Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for
| >> me, gladly accepted.
| >
| > 1. Did you experience the problem or are you just ranting about nothing?
| > In all the years I've been doing tech support and building machines, I
| > have not run into this issue.
| ...well you have "run into" this issue now, perhaps you would care to take
| peek at the URL's I posted !
| ...and Yes ! ...I do indeed seem to have "run into" this issue !
| I very often use several programs at the same time, ...did some research
| check that things were optimally configured for multi-tasking, and found
| that they appeared NOT to be optimally configured.
| >
| > 2. Did you bother to research whether the parts you "slapped" into your
| > system box would run your operating system of choice *before* you
| > ahead? This is no one's responsibility but *yours*.
| btw my "slapped" = gargantuan amounts of TLC. I did quite a bit of
| "research" but, didn't stumble upon the
| "MS leaves it up to the owner, or system builder, to manually optimize XP
| for dual-core based cpu's" type web pages !
| i.e. KB896296 is not automatically downloaded for people during Windows
| updates.
| >
| > 3. No one is forcing you to use an operating system that may not work
| > your hardware. Use something else instead.
| >
| > 4. Stop whinging.
| ...same to you with brass knobs on !
| ...and obviously you have NO knowledge regarding optimizing dual-core
| for "good" or best" performance, or you would have had something to
| in answer to my,
| "Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for
| gladly accepted," which you carefully omitted during your stupid and
| IGNORANT response to my post.
| If you haven't got anything constructive to suggest, why not keep your big
| mouth shut,
| ...your post simply demonstrates that you do not have as much PC hardware
| and software knowledge as you would like to have, ...no good getting
| about it !
| >
| >
| > Malke
| > --
| > Elephant Boy Computers
| >
| > "Don't Panic!"
| > MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User