KB896256 / MS LAZINESS !!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter RJK
  • Start date Start date


Having an hour or two to spare, I Googled around and further researched the
new (older gen. Pentium D935) components that I slapped into my system box,
....box a few weeks ago, (mobo/cpu/memory and other parts)

I stumbled across
....which led me to :-

FAT LOT OF GOOD IT IS, me building a new system box to find that MS have
left it up to me to get their OS making use of half of it.

Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for me,
gladly accepted.

regards, Richard
RJK said:
Having an hour or two to spare, I Googled around and further researched the
new (older gen. Pentium D935) components that I slapped into my system box,
...box a few weeks ago, (mobo/cpu/memory and other parts)

I stumbled across
...which led me to :-

FAT LOT OF GOOD IT IS, me building a new system box to find that MS have
left it up to me to get their OS making use of half of it.

Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for me,
gladly accepted.

1. Did you experience the problem or are you just ranting about nothing?
In all the years I've been doing tech support and building machines, I
have not run into this issue.

2. Did you bother to research whether the parts you "slapped" into your
system box would run your operating system of choice *before* you
plunged ahead? This is no one's responsibility but *yours*.

3. No one is forcing you to use an operating system that may not work
with your hardware. Use something else instead.

4. Stop whinging.

RJK said:
Having an hour or two to spare, I Googled around and further researched the
new (older gen. Pentium D935) components that I slapped into my system box,
...box a few weeks ago, (mobo/cpu/memory and other parts)

I stumbled across
...which led me to :-

FAT LOT OF GOOD IT IS, me building a new system box to find that MS have
left it up to me to get their OS making use of half of it.

Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for me,
gladly accepted.

regards, Richard

Comments inserted :-)

regards, Richard

Malke said:
1. Did you experience the problem or are you just ranting about nothing?
In all the years I've been doing tech support and building machines, I
have not run into this issue.

....well you have "run into" this issue now, perhaps you would care to take a
peek at the URL's I posted !
....and Yes ! ...I do indeed seem to have "run into" this issue !
I very often use several programs at the same time, ...did some research to
check that things were optimally configured for multi-tasking, and found
that they appeared NOT to be optimally configured.
2. Did you bother to research whether the parts you "slapped" into your
system box would run your operating system of choice *before* you plunged
ahead? This is no one's responsibility but *yours*.

btw my "slapped" = gargantuan amounts of TLC. I did quite a bit of
"research" but, didn't stumble upon the
"MS leaves it up to the owner, or system builder, to manually optimize XP OS
for dual-core based cpu's" type web pages !
i.e. KB896296 is not automatically downloaded for people during Windows
3. No one is forcing you to use an operating system that may not work with
your hardware. Use something else instead.

4. Stop whinging.

....same to you with brass knobs on !
....and obviously you have NO knowledge regarding optimizing dual-core cpu's
for "good" or best" performance, or you would have had something to suggest
in answer to my,
"Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for me,
gladly accepted," which you carefully omitted during your stupid and
IGNORANT response to my post.

If you haven't got anything constructive to suggest, why not keep your big
mouth shut,
....your post simply demonstrates that you do not have as much PC hardware
and software knowledge as you would like to have, ...no good getting bitchy
about it !
I'm not sure why you are complaining about this. It hasn't anything to do with
"laziness" or negligence. The issues described in the KB article are not described
as universal for all dual core systems....it states the issues *may* occur, which is
why the hotfix is not on Windows Update. This has been SOP for such hotfixes since
the Win95 days.

The issues apparently involve a group of games, and so the majority of users would
not require it or experience any issues. That said, why do you expect WU to offer
the hotfix? Do you also expect WU to offer your chipset/CPU updates? No, you get
them for your specific chipset separately. Likewise, a possible issue with games
requires you to do a little research and determine what NON-CRITICAL updates you
might require.

Think back to Win98 and ME, and the Critical and Optional updates. There were many
many optional updates that you had to research to determine if your system needed
them based on what you were doing and what hardware you had installed. The IDE Hard
Drive Cache Update http://support.microsoft.com/kb/273017 is one example of an
non-critical update that had to be manually installed only if your system's hardware
required it.
Hi Richard,

I'm sorry you've run into unexpected snags with this new machine of yours,
but don't blame this on MS, or start bitching at a responder.

Your initial tone almost guaranteed a less-than-sympathetic response. It
was/is your responsibility to research these things out

Remember dual-core and dual processors was not nearly as prevalent when XP
was introduced--and MS *does* give you a workaround.

Now please, don't *you* get all bitchy about it.


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

| Comments inserted :-)
| regards, Richard
| | > RJK wrote:
| >> Having an hour or two to spare, I Googled around and further researched
| >> the new (older gen. Pentium D935) components that I slapped into my
| >> system box, ...box a few weeks ago, (mobo/cpu/memory and other parts)
| >>
| >> I stumbled across
| >> http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=60416
| >> ...which led me to :-
| >> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896256
| >>
| >> FAT LOT OF GOOD IT IS, me building a new system box to find that MS
| >> left it up to me to get their OS making use of half of it.
| >>
| >> Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for
| >> me, gladly accepted.
| >
| > 1. Did you experience the problem or are you just ranting about nothing?
| > In all the years I've been doing tech support and building machines, I
| > have not run into this issue.
| ...well you have "run into" this issue now, perhaps you would care to take
| peek at the URL's I posted !
| ...and Yes ! ...I do indeed seem to have "run into" this issue !
| I very often use several programs at the same time, ...did some research
| check that things were optimally configured for multi-tasking, and found
| that they appeared NOT to be optimally configured.
| >
| > 2. Did you bother to research whether the parts you "slapped" into your
| > system box would run your operating system of choice *before* you
| > ahead? This is no one's responsibility but *yours*.
| btw my "slapped" = gargantuan amounts of TLC. I did quite a bit of
| "research" but, didn't stumble upon the
| "MS leaves it up to the owner, or system builder, to manually optimize XP
| for dual-core based cpu's" type web pages !
| i.e. KB896296 is not automatically downloaded for people during Windows
| updates.
| >
| > 3. No one is forcing you to use an operating system that may not work
| > your hardware. Use something else instead.
| >
| > 4. Stop whinging.
| ...same to you with brass knobs on !
| ...and obviously you have NO knowledge regarding optimizing dual-core
| for "good" or best" performance, or you would have had something to
| in answer to my,
| "Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for
| gladly accepted," which you carefully omitted during your stupid and
| IGNORANT response to my post.
| If you haven't got anything constructive to suggest, why not keep your big
| mouth shut,
| ...your post simply demonstrates that you do not have as much PC hardware
| and software knowledge as you would like to have, ...no good getting
| about it !
| >
| >
| > Malke
| > --
| > Elephant Boy Computers
| > www.elephantboycomputers.com
| > "Don't Panic!"
| > MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Malke said:
1. Did you experience the problem or are you just ranting about nothing?
In all the years I've been doing tech support and building machines, I
have not run into this issue.

2. Did you bother to research whether the parts you "slapped" into your
system box would run your operating system of choice *before* you
plunged ahead? This is no one's responsibility but *yours*.

3. No one is forcing you to use an operating system that may not work
with your hardware. Use something else instead.

4. Stop whinging.


Regarding (3), unfortunately, with microshit's monopoly, one doesn't
really have an alternative.

RJK said:
Having an hour or two to spare, I Googled around and further researched the
new (older gen. Pentium D935) components that I slapped into my system box,
...box a few weeks ago, (mobo/cpu/memory and other parts)

I stumbled across
...which led me to :-

FAT LOT OF GOOD IT IS, me building a new system box to find that MS have
left it up to me to get their OS making use of half of it.

Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for me,
gladly accepted.

regards, Richard

Nice find on the notebookreview thread :-)


Did you read this statement by Microsoft before sounding off?

"Because Windows XP was not originally designed to support performance
states on multiprocessor configurations, changes are required to
correctly realize this support on multiprocessor systems. Windows XP
Service Pack 2 includes the required changes to the kernel power
manager. These changes make sure that Windows XP correctly functions on
multiprocessor systems with processor performance states."

If you accept this statement at face value doesn't this put the onus on
whoever sold you the processor to caution users of potential issues
with Windows XP? I presume you read the accompanying literature when you
made your purchase. It is hardly reasonable of you to accuse Microsoft
of laziness given the circumstances.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Thanks Glee

From my readings, I construed, or suspected that a significant benefit could
be concerned, and possibly gained, with multitasking, (am not interested in
Several people have commented that KB896256 is only of use to specific
hardware ? I appreciate that but, the end result is that I was left unaware
that there was an improvement in OS configuration/setup/updating, (...call
it what you will), to be had, that I could have been at least alerted to via
Windows update. I mean, Windows update is quick enough telling me about a
driver update for a redundant dial up pci modem that was in my machine
backalong, and it's very quick to offer up ancient Nvidia graphics drivers,
and if I remember correctly an old AGP to PCI miniport bridge ...or
something like that, ...that would probably have knocked out the correctly
installed one !

I appreciate that MS and XP is playing catch-up with some hardware hotfixes
but, if I hadn't specifically set out to try and gain knowledge beyond what
I thought was sufficient, it could have been a very long time before I
discovered, or stumbled upon such information.

One can only spend a limited amount of time on the PC hardware and OS
software itself, and whilst I find it all interesting, I find it annoying
that this type of reading can be ALL time consuming. i.e. how on earth can
one find time to wade through such vast considerations, i.e. I like to use
PC application programs once in a while !!

regards, Richard
I did see that, though rather late in the day, and I had to look for it,
without knowing if anything like it existed, if you see what I mean !
My contention is that, seeing as MS is alerting me, via Windows update, to
possible hardware driver upsets, ...oops! I mean "updates", pci modem /
ancient driver for Nvidia graphics card etc. ...surely MS could alert me to
the possibility of improving multi-tasking performance on a dual-core cpu
via Window update ? :-)
....if I hadn't found it by actively looking for something whilst "not
knowing it was there," I'd have been none the wiser !

regards, Richard
I would agree that there should be *somewhere* a more prominent notification of this
update and what it covers, and that preferably it should be somewhere on the WU
site. But you know, the WU team has changed WU so much for XP, they really don't
have it set up to allow for this sort of update....but I think they should. In v.4
of WU used by Win98/ME, the optional or recommended updates were prominent. Now
they urge you to Use Express and not even see what you are getting......uh, I don't
think so.

There probably is a gain to be had for multitasking as well, as you infer from the
articles. It's a good set of articles to be aware of.

Yes, it would be nice to use the computer without having to search this type of
thing out, but it seems it has been that way for decades. I began working on
computers when one I ordered was done so badly that I had to search out all the
needed chipset patches and OS patches and so forth, and have been working ON them
ever since.....I still rarely get to just work WITH them.
Thank you Longhorn, I take it that Linux would give me proper Intel dual
core support, and a GUI that's as reliable, functional and flexible as MS ?
....at the end of the day I really love XP ...always have done, and I've
hardly ever hit any problems with MS Windows GUI's ...ever since they were
invented ! ...though I never could get along with ME.
....BUT, to discover that there are hardware specific MS hotfixes available,
for Intel, and AMD multi-core cpu's I notice, and to which I'm not even
being at least alerted via "Windows Update," is imho not very good !

regards, Richard
....having said that, there wasn't all that much "tone" in my OP :-)
....I gave a little "loud" background to my question and then asked,
"Any tips for anything else that MS may not be bothering to "update" for me,
gladly accepted."

I do keep forgetting that lots of cultures have quite literally no sense of
humour whatsoever, (present company excepted of course).

regards, Richard

Were you warned by the provider of the processor? If not it is they who
you should vent your ire on not Microsoft! Microsoft may be guilty of
other misdemeanours but not on this occasion methinks!


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute