KB870669 - Vulnerability in ADODB.Stream Object Update

  • Thread starter David Dickinson
  • Start date

David Dickinson

Requesting Opinions: Will it be safe enough to simply
disallow downloading and installing /new/ ActiveX
controls? I don't know how much I can trust some of my
newer clients.

Does anyone have any ideas for other workarounds? Some
of us have to wait until our software vendors can supply
new versions that don't use the ADODB.Stream Object.

Also, if this is installed on a W2K web server, will it
break server-side ASP? I read the article, but I didn't
learn everything that I wanted to know. I'll start
testing tomorrow.

Ugh! I feel like I've been punched in the stomach.

Now we've got CNN broadcasting how lot's of folks are
saying that people shouldn't use Internet Explorer. This
is going to break a lot of legitimate, if badly
programmed, software. (I have too many clients who
bought software from lazy programmers before they met or
asked me.)

David Dickinson
eveningstar at mvps dot org

Kent W. England [MVP]

David said:
Requesting Opinions: Will it be safe enough to simply
disallow downloading and installing /new/ ActiveX
controls? I don't know how much I can trust some of my
newer clients.

Does anyone have any ideas for other workarounds? Some
of us have to wait until our software vendors can supply
new versions that don't use the ADODB.Stream Object.

Thor Larholm of Pivx recommends setting security higher in the Local
Zone, which is not available to the user interface, as an alternative to
disabling adodb.stream. He recommends you use Quik-Fix from Pivx.

See http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=315933 for how to make My
Computer Zone (aka Local Zone) visible in the Internet Options control

See http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=833633 for how to strengthen
Local Zone settings.

See http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=182569 for more details of the
security zone settings in IE6.