kb828741 uninstall

  • Thread starter Thread starter glenn
  • Start date Start date


i have recently purchased a copy of norton anti-virus
2004. upon installing i recieved an error message telling
me that i had to uninstall hotfix828741 and then
reinstall norton. easy enough right? NO!!!! windows will
not uninstall hotfix828741 and norton tells me to contact
compaq!! ha! ha! after being on hold for an hour i am now
how do i uninstall this hot fix? i have done the
uninstall process in control panel-add/remove and it
anyone????? thanks
I have the same problem. I followed all the instructions
on the Symantec support page to no avail. My computer
with this problem is a Fry's GQ6074 with Windows XP
Home. The hotfix uninstall looks for a catsrv.dll file
but will not finish uninstalling when I locate the file.
Symantec and Microsoft should talk.
Click on 'My Computer'

On the left in the 'System Task' box---select 'add or remove programs'

A list of all available programs will then be listed including KB828741

Select 'Windows XP Hotfix - KB828741

Click on 'remove'

This will remove the KB828741 program.

Install Norton's Antivirus

If you are on automatic updating for Windows..you will be quickly notified
that an update is available and the KB828741 will be reinstalled...or you can
go to the update site and do it manually.