If the uninstall directory (a hidden system folder) does not exist, then you
cannot uninstall it. Before you go to the extreme of a new installation, set
the system so you can see these folders then, if it exists, you can use the
spuninst.exe file within the appropriate folder. Go to the Control
Panel/Folder Options, and on the View tab, set the options so you can see
hidden and system files. Specifically:
Enable (check) "Display the contents of system folders"
Enable (check) "Show hidden files and folders"
Disable (uncheck): "Hide protected operating system files (recommended)"
I also recommend that you disable (uncheck) "hide extensions for known file
Best of Luck,
Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP
Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone
Windows help -
bmac said:
I recently purchased a new laptop from Dell. Xp and all Security pathces
were preloaded on the system. I tried to install Norton AntiVirus but got an
error. Norton told me to uninstall Fix KB828741. when i tried to do this
though the control panel the remove utton was not available. I then discoved
that the $Uninstall file was not in my Windows Directory. How can I
uninstall this patch? Where can I get the Uninstall file needed. Dell is
telling me I will have to reinstall the OS.