What is the exact text of the error?
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
| From: "Kevin Hilton" <
[email protected]>
| Sender: "Kevin Hilton" <
[email protected]>
| References: <
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
| Subject: RE: kb828026 update
| Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 09:48:23 -0800
| Ive downloaded from the link provided below, however here
| is what happened. Everytime during the install process it
| asks me where wmp.dll is located. I always choose
| c:\winnt\system32, the installation then chokes and says
| something about this being an invalid file. Im not sure
| what is going on, since I unistalled and then reinstalled
| wmp 9.0 from the updated site. wmp.dll was a file
| included in the upgrade (I believe). Any suggestions, Id
| include a screen cap, however this bb does not support
| images.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Kelly,
| >
| >Does it fail if you attempt to install it from:
| >
| >
| FamilyId=AF9CF65E-0C55-452E-
| >A0FA-3AA165E667C1
| >
| >
| >This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
| confers no rights.
| >--------------------
| >| From: "Kevin Hilton" <
[email protected]>
| >| Sender: "Kevin Hilton" <
[email protected]>
| >| Subject: kb828026 update
| >| Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 22:03:45 -0800
| >|
| >|
| >| Ive googled around a lot, however have not found one
| >| single person who has been able to install kb828026
| >| upgrade with win2k sp4 and wmp 9.0. Does anyone have a
| >| suggestion of how to install this critical upgrade. I
| >| just keep getting the message from the windows update
| site
| >| stating this upgrade failed to install
| >|
| >|
| >
| >.
| >