KB 823727

  • Thread starter Thread starter OhioBeeFarmer
  • Start date Start date
I've created a call with them and am waiting for a call back. We are using
Xpe with IE6 service pack 2. Not sure our application relates exactly to
their fix so we have created a call ticket with them to see if there are
issues within this operating environment.
OhioBeeFarmer said:
Is anyone familiar with this and have found issue related to this. We are
having the same issue or something similar that I would like to get


Which OS? What version of mshtml.dll do you have installed now?

Notice that the article implies that this issue would be fixed in the next
service pack (keyword: kbie600sp2fix). Therefore, if you have XPsp2
you may already have the fix available but only if you have an SP2QFE
version of mshtml.dll installed would it be active. Similarly, IE6sp1
users who have the latest cumulative security patches installed might
be able to install the RTMQFE version (instead of the RTMGDR version)
and thus activate the hotfix too.


Robert Aldwinckle
Thanks Robert, Just got off the phone with Microsoft and they don't have a
solution for our issue. It just doesn't seem right to me that using XPe and
running only IE you should be required to reboot the device everynight or
restart IE to recover your memory that continues to grow in IE.

OhioBeeFarmer said:
Thanks Robert, Just got off the phone with Microsoft and they don't have a
solution for our issue. It just doesn't seem right to me that using XPe and
running only IE you should be required to reboot the device everynight or
restart IE to recover your memory that continues to grow in IE.


Is there any point in writing more if you're not going to respond to what I write?


How do you know that IE is the problem?
E.g. what diagnostics do you have that make you suspect
you are seeing that hotfix scenario?

BTW I didn't notice the XPe factor before. Perhaps you should be posting
in a newsgroup specializing in XP Embedded?

Do my questions not even make sense on that platform?

Good luck

Thanks Robert,

I thought about going to the embedded area although this is specific to IE
and haven spoken to the Embedded side of MS in the past they don't have a
good knowledge of IE. I installed the hotfix just yesterday so am testing
as I type. The version I am using is 6.0.2800.1449. I really do NOT see
why the hot fix would work in our case as it doesn't meet the scenario
surrounding the article. However, Microsoft has suggested we test this
before we continue with our case. Although it is interesting that while
speaking with two reps from Microsoft that they are telling us that EXPECT
IE to grow and that is the way it was designed. That pretty much sums up
there conclusion although we feel Iexplore.exe should not grow in size no
matter how long you use it or what webpage you it. With that in mind at
some point it will use the available memory up and the device will fail.
OhioBeeFarmer said:
I installed the hotfix just yesterday so am testing as I type.
The version I am using is 6.0.2800.1449. I really do NOT see
why the hot fix would work in our case as it doesn't meet the scenario
surrounding the article.

The point is that the article you found referred to mshtml.dll
That is the module that the hotfix changed.
That module is continually updated, e.g. for security patches.
Therefore, provided the changes for the hotfix you want are integrated
into a later version of that module which is more easily accessible
you should be able to use that module instead.

Supposedly, the RTMQFE version of a module contains all hotfixes
integrated with the latest security patches. The default distribution
version RTMGDR does NOT contain the latest hotfixes because
integration testing for them has not been done in order to get the
security patches tested reasonably well and distributed in a timely manner.

It appears that you can get an RTMQFE version 6.0.2800.1523
from the latest security rollup for XPe (since it refers to MS05-052)



(MSN search for
updates "Windows XP Embedded" site:microsoft.com
- first hit
- sorted by release date (descending)

BTW that is just what somebody who is using a evaluation version of XPe
could install. If you are licensed there is apparently a separate OEM
download site which potentially could have even more recent updates

