Could someone please inform me of the correct English pronunciation of
Thank you much in advance.
Thank you much in advance.
Thank you much in advance.
seems straightforward enough. Cas-per-ski
Laura said:-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Okay, genius, for those of who have never attended an av
conference, please tell us...
Is it MAC-a-fee or ma-KAFF-ee?
And what about "Zvi Netiv"? Is it ze-VEE, ZEH-vee, or something
else, entirely? (Hey Zvi, you can answer this, too, lol!)
(Really! Who cares?! As long as you buy their programs,
P.S. And what about <snicker> "4Q"? Is it four-KYOO,
FORKED-yoo or ****-YOU? :-D
P.P.S. Fwiw, it's "fred-er-icks". ;-)
calm down sweetie.
Stay off the booze Laura.
Laura Fredericks said:Okay, genius, for those of who have never attended an av
conference, please tell us...
Is it MAC-a-fee or ma-KAFF-ee?
And what about "Zvi Netiv"? Is it ze-VEE, ZEH-vee, or something
else, entirely? (Hey Zvi, you can answer this, too, lol!)
Zvi Netiv said:From the horse's mouth (John himself), it's pronounced McAfee. ;-)
It's pronounced tsvee. Germans would pronounce Zvi correctly.
From the horse's mouth (John himself), it's pronounced McAfee.
It's pronounced tsvee. Germans would pronounce Zvi correctly.
P.S. And what about <snicker> "4Q"? Is it four-KYOO,
FORKED-yoo or ****-YOU? :-D
Zvi said:It's pronounced tsvee. Germans would pronounce Zvi correctly.
Carl Farrington said:calm down sweetie. Kaspersky is straight forward, in that I can't see any
other way of pronouncing it.
I've always pronounced it as Mc-aff-ee.
Hank said:Could someone please inform me of the correct English pronunciation of
Thank you much in advance.
Miles said:Then how do we know if you're putting the em-PHASS-sis on the wrong
I've heard sales reps call it Kas-Perskee, Ka-Perskee, and
Kasp-Erskee. I tend to call it Kas-Per-Sky. They should just
change it to K-Labs.