Art, et al,
I have Trend and someone sent me a URL to Kaspersky so I went to
the site out of curiosity. Hum, I see they do an on-line scan, so I
decide to do it. Unfortauntely, I have never allowed it to finish.
Why, because when it gets to the Trends files, it was still going
through them a few hours later, so I just stopped it. But, it said my
computer has three viruses, six supicious files and I forget what
I decide to do a scan with my Trend it and it says nothing about any
viruses. Is Kaspersky trying to scare me into buying there product, or
is Trend not that good?
Tonight when I go to bed, I am again going to let Kaspersky do its
online scan and let the computer run all night. It will be interesting
to see what I find when I get up.
Also, this Trend MicroPC seems to be using a lot of ram as my
startup utility says about three or fours programs are running related
to it. I have a Pentium 4, 1.2, with 1024 megs of ram, yet the
comptuer seems sugglish at times, most times in fact.
Your thoughts?