Roger Johansson
First I tried running the kavupd.exe in the installation I already had.
It was too old and could not find the right folder on the ftp site.
So I deleted all files in C
ownloads where the program resides.
I downloaded a new version of mwav.exe from Art Kopp's site
It says on that site that you need an unzip utility which can unpack
zipped exe files.
Another way to do it is to rename mwav.exe to mwav.zip and treat
it just like any zip file, if you already have what you need to handle
zip files.
Copy all the files to C:\Downloads
This folder name cannot be changed if the updater program shall work.
Run the kavupd.exe and it downloads the latest virus definition files.
Run the antivirus program itself, mwavscan.com
You can set up a special folder to scan besides the basic setup, for
example C:\Newprogs where you can put files you want scanned.
It was too old and could not find the right folder on the ftp site.
So I deleted all files in C

I downloaded a new version of mwav.exe from Art Kopp's site
It says on that site that you need an unzip utility which can unpack
zipped exe files.
Another way to do it is to rename mwav.exe to mwav.zip and treat
it just like any zip file, if you already have what you need to handle
zip files.
Copy all the files to C:\Downloads
This folder name cannot be changed if the updater program shall work.
Run the kavupd.exe and it downloads the latest virus definition files.
Run the antivirus program itself, mwavscan.com
You can set up a special folder to scan besides the basic setup, for
example C:\Newprogs where you can put files you want scanned.